Your ride today.... (part 1)

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South Coast


Total stinker. Windy, constant rain, cold and a puncture. Fingers are still numb, several hours later. Not the best day for the first shorts ride of the year. Neverthess, longest ride this year - just over 100 miles.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
68.5 miles and three thousand feet of climbing in rain sleet and cold temperatures an on roads that were awash in places with water from overnight rain. It was the ride from hell and it messed with my head. It was an audax and I was riding it at 12km/hr pace until I got to the half way point and looked at the brevet card and discovered that it was a 15km/hr pace. I thought that the hilly bit was going to be from half way to three quarters of the way round the ride but it was lumpy for the entire second half and I didn't get enough calories in to be comfortable on the climbs. I went over distance and was 15km from home when I ran out of time. On getting back to base I discovered that I had, made the cut as the cards had been printed with the wrong timings. My feet are dry for the first time since ten o'clock this morning. The redeeming feature was the discovery of a butcher in Ripon who makes pork, apple and black pudding pies and very appealing pork and cranberry pies. Reviews pending.

PS. My belly has yet to thaw out from the ride.
Club ride yesterday.. Bit of change there, as we were split in groups chasing each other in 4-mile loops! Quite good fun, plus the added bonus of my favorite panini, chocolate wafers and lovely hot coffee!
A real pleasure meeting you Mr @Rapples as well! :highfive:The guys really liked you and we all are looking forward to see you again soon!
Sounds fun - we're always looking for new ideas. How did that work?

We were split in groups of 4-6 initially of mixed ability and set off to do some tight group training (wheel sucking, posisition changing, leading etc). Then we were mixed again, but this time grouped with similar abilities. The slowest group went off first, then the one that was a bit faster, etc., with approx 01:30 min difference (a bit like TT lol) and each group was trying to catch up the one in front..
Needless to say that our fastest group nearly had a pick nick waiting for everybody to complete their loop! :laugh: I think next time will have to time it better. I think it would have worked better if we had timed each group before releasing the chase and possibly leaving enough time before setting off each group accordingly to make it more challenging for the fast-fast boys..
It was the first time, so there is plenty of room to improve..

Any good ideas your end?
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