Your ride today.... (part 1)

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I've had to downgrade from one 100 miler a month to a minimum of one a year, now that I'm nearly a pensioner. So a circuit of East Yorkshire via Wetherby, York, Howden, Goole, Kellingley, Tadcaster, Wighill and Wetherby again; and averaged 14mph, which is <cough> a little faster than I usually manage for that distance.

And horizon-to-horizon sunshine all the way round. ^_^
To be honest I'm not sure what the doc will be able to do except say stay off the bike. It doesn't hurt at any other time - just after about 7-10 miles of riding so I think it's a case of take things very easy and build the strength back up.:sad:

The last time I did something like this (not the same muscle) it took absolutely ages before it felt right again..
Unless it's an identifiable trauma l wouldn't bother with a GP - IME most of them know diddly squat about sports injuries, especially overuse/imbalance problems, and their standard advice is "rest", which does nothing to resolve the cause. Get thee to a physio!
I had a recurrent pain in one knee after longer rides, then after medium rides, then after shorter rides .... GP told me it was arthritis and to be expected in my 60s. "Cobblers", said the physio, "you just do too much cycling and not enough counterbalancing exercise, so your over-strong quads and calves are pulling the kneecap into the joint. Do these stretches and keep doing them and all will be well." The stretches were not the obvious ones that I would have thought of, but the physio was spot on with his diagnosis and advice.
Your cause may be something completely different, but a GP wouldn't be my choice if you want to stop it happening again. [That's not a criticism of GPs, sports injuries aren't what they are trained for.]


If you are going to take a day off to relax in the week before a big race at the weekend then today was the day. We set off out with no real plan, just to relax and enjoy the warm sunshine. Unfortunately I somehow managed to head into the lumpy stuff which dr_pink of course enjoyed while I grovelled along in her wake.
This is a little 20% hill we had just come up

And another one in the background, this time we came down it for a change, a real buzz and the surface is perfect

Red Kites in abundance today, but the most amazing sight of the day was when a family of 7 or 8 weasels ran across the road in front of us, half way across they suddenly realised we were there and half of them turned and ran back. We stopped just past where they had crossed because I thought if we kept quiet some might cross back again to rejoin the group. Indeed they did, 2 of them at different times, boy were they quick, I did manage to get this on the camera phone so not great, sorry.

Eyebrook reservoir from above Stoke Dry

You do wonder though as you cycle around English country lanes what a cyclist from the continent who think they have mastered English makes of this,

Stopped for a tea at Whitwell by Rutland Water, the car park was barely a third full, a testament to Anglian Water's policy of putting barriers on the entrance road and charging, even if you just want to go to Rutland Cycles, completely bonkers.
42 lumpy miles, but beautiful, and barely a car.


Just a bloke on a bike!
Moved into my "winter mode" this week which involves two eyeballs out full-on rides on the cross bike (tuesday and thursday) I tend to concentrate on very remote single track lanes which can be a bit spooky sometimes, especially as I ride alone and even worse when deer run out of the woods in front of me. Obviously a good set of lights are a must and spare tubes etc just in case!! Each ride is between 25-35k and usually take just over one hour, depending on which route I use as some are hillier than others. That just leaves my Sunday ride which I try to use the road bike for as much as possible, cross bike takes over this ride as winter takes hold.

Maverick Goose

A jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place
For all you Haircut 100 fans out there it was a Faaaaaaantaaaaastic Daaaaaaaaay
Sunny all day and just a light southerly. Managed 65 miles and about 5,500ft of climbing

I shan't bore you with the route details, suffice to say I made it to the charmingly named "Wincle" in Staffs which is in a really hilly area know as The Roaches. On the way there it was up, down, up, down the whole way. But I have learned now to front end load the climbing and try to do the headwind out, tailwind back. In any case I was royally knackered for the last hour back to Glossop.

On the way back the light tailwind pushed me along. I got a bit lost in Macclesfield looking for Broken Cross. The reason I wanted to go there was a decent greasy spoon. Unfortunately (or should that be fortunately?) when I got there they were shutting up so bacon, sausage and egg was off and roast beef and onion barm was on.

Nice big slice of homemade fruit cake and a cup of tea when I got home. 'Appen I deserved it

A lovely area-know it well as I used to live not that far away in Hartington. Don't forget your favourite shirt now it's getting cold!


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.

This mornings ride..erm..yesterdays ride I mean as it's 4 .21 am now ...was a slow dilly dally kind of ride around a regular 40 mile loop
under blue skies to start with ..

Autumn is defo here now and the leaves are dropping fast

The bike just rolled perfectly again and I felt strong...I stopped a lot on the ride to take pictures and generally breathe in the air
after two days inside on the turbo

The route took me out past shoreham airport, lancing college ( hogwarts ) up to steyning where I had achat with two ladies
doing 'cake' at the tea rooms

Seems my camera lens got fogged up ...and i had a bit of camera shake going on...apologies for dodgy pictures

All in all a lovely ride...
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
If you are going to take a day off to relax in the week before a big race at the weekend then today was the day. We set off out with no real plan, just to relax and enjoy the warm sunshine. Unfortunately I somehow managed to head into the lumpy stuff which dr_pink of course enjoyed while I grovelled along in her wake.
This is a little 20% hill we had just come up

And another one in the background, this time we came down it for a change, a real buzz and the surface is perfect

Red Kites in abundance today, but the most amazing sight of the day was when a family of 7 or 8 weasels ran across the road in front of us, half way across they suddenly realised we were there and half of them turned and ran back. We stopped just past where they had crossed because I thought if we kept quiet some might cross back again to rejoin the group. Indeed they did, 2 of them at different times, boy were they quick, I did manage to get this on the camera phone so not great, sorry.

Eyebrook reservoir from above Stoke Dry

You do wonder though as you cycle around English country lanes what a cyclist from the continent who think they have mastered English makes of this,

Stopped for a tea at Whitwell by Rutland Water, the car park was barely a third full, a testament to Anglian Water's policy of putting barriers on the entrance road and charging, even if you just want to go to Rutland Cycles, completely bonkers.
42 lumpy miles, but beautiful, and barely a car.

I do some off road around Eyebrook and Stoke Dry. What road are those hills on? I don't recognise them..
And yes, stupid idea for charging by Anglia Water. Are Rutland Cycles the same as Pitsford Cycles? They give you a freebie ticket while you visit the shop.


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.

Tonights ride was a trip along the seafront to the first Critical Mass ride here since 1999 I believe. I had seen and joined the facebook group here:

and thought I would go along and add my support. It's great to know there are other cyclists here that have the same battle with idiot drivers on a daily basis that I do.
It was also extremely refreshing to find out that the organizer is a truck driver.

There were about 20 riders tonight, so a good first turn out, with ages ranging from the very young to the 'more mature'. Bikes from top carbon bling machines to sit up and beg basket bikes and
street cred kool machines.

I met a few familier faces and some new ones. Most encouraging was to see a group of teenage 'street riders' join in jumping all over and along the walls etc!

Not a 'mileage' ride but one I hope to see grow in popularity.

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Legendary Member
Tonights ride was a trip along the seafront to the first Critical Mass ride here since 1999 I believe. I had seen and joined the facebook group here:

and thought I would go along and add my support. It's great to know there are other cyclists here that have the same battle with idiot drivers on a daily basis that I do.
It was also extremely refreshing to find out that the organizer is a truck driver.

There were about 20 riders tonight, so a good first turn out, with ages ranging from the very young to the 'more mature'. Bikes from top carbon bling machines to sit up and beg basket bikes and
street cred kool machines.

I met a few familier faces and some new ones. Most encouraging was to see a group of teenage 'street riders' join in jumping all over and along the walls etc!

Not a 'mileage' ride but one I hope to see grow in popularity.


Lad in LBS was telling me about one held in Leicester on Friday night, he reckoned there were a couple of hundred people on it.
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