Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
40 miles again today, making most of wevver before it gets back to normal tomorrow


Today was the 55 mile Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance Coast to Coast ride, from Watchet on the North Somerset Coast down to West Bay (aka Broadchurch) in Dorset.

Got to Watchet nice and early to register and the skies didn't have a cloud in them.


Watchet Harbour


North Coast of Somerset.


Met up with @coffeejo at the start and an announcement from the organisers saying the start would be deleyed to 11.20 meant that an executive decision to leave now mas made. The two of us managed to get to the front and set off, followed by god knows how many others. :angel:


The route leaves the coast and heads up into the Quantocks, an area i don't know very well, but it has stunning views.



The Quantock hills

After the 1st food stop we had a small delay, caused by two Fu**wits ,we got going again heading towards the 1st big hill, Rock Hill. Happily both of us went straight up without having to do the walk of shame ^_^. Then across the moors and up into Ilminster for the food station. 2 Bannannannnas and 3 cakes :hungry: consumed, water bottles filled we set off again.

The next hill is the big one, Windwhistle Hill a nastly twisty single road up a progressively steeper climb. I have done it in the past but it is a real struggle. Following Jo (who was in Froome climbing mode) we kept going, and going, and going, at one point i wanted to stop, put my foot down, to rest the legs but not wanting to fall behind or to let Jo down i kept going, right to the top :hyper:. I / We are now certified cycling gods for getting up there. I can't tell you how pleased i am to have done that hill.

Over the top and down a short steep section leads to Purtington hill, another nasty one as the legs are tired. This time side by side for most of the way up we did it. Had to smile at the amount of riders walking in SPD-SL tho.

The comment of several riders around us of "that's all the hills done" made us laugh as there is one final sting, a long plod up to Broadwindsor that really begins to hurt. Having reached the summit it was then all downhill and flat to the end. This really was a great bit of the ride, with both Jo and myself taking it in turns to lead and really put the hammers down.

With 1/2 a mile to go my left leg cramped, god knows what i looked like trying to stop the pain and the muscles going into spasms but it wasn't pretty. Luckily the touring shoes i wear let me pedal with either the heel or midstep and i managed to get back into a rhythm for the finish line.



1 cycling god and 1 cycling Goddess at the finishing line.


The route.

So all in a really great day, personal achievements a plenty and :hugs: to Jo for today, especially for getting me up Windy hill, and the last 6 miles were just amazing.

Also big hugs and kisses to my wife for dropping me off at the start, getting the car cleaned and waiting around at the finish for me. :wub::wub:
Great report, Pete, though you're missing the point about Windy Hill - I didn't dare stop lest I embarrass myself! Thanks for your patience and assistance with The Mechanical and being brilliant company for the ride.


Über Member
Day off today and with an easy week last week thought I'd get a few miles in, mapped out 3 routes then decided I didn't want to do any of them :whistle: I knew my first 15.7 miles were set (as I had to go fix my mam's laptop) so headed up the coast from home to Amble, just love the cycle up the coast, no pics today as I've cycled it so many times I don't stop now.

Left Amble and headed towards Warkworth, pic of the bike with the Castle in the background
14222871254_c315605522.jpg Bike and Warkworth Castle by thetribe007, on Flickr

There's a nice cycle path between Warkworth and Alnmouth but it's currently closed for resurfacing so I followed the diversion, or my own version of it anyway going a few miles further, through Shilbottle and back to Alnmouth, when I got to Alnmouth I saw the sign fr Craster and decided that's where I was going to eat the packed lunch I'd brought. Heading out of Alnmouth towards Boulmer you get to look back at the river meandering along
14199934346_955ec7d21c.jpg Alnmouth by thetribe007, on Flickr

When you get to Boulmer you can choose to head to Craster by road or off road route, as I was on the mountain bike I took the offroad route, this was the best bit of it
14220729792_719edf5897.jpg Cycle Track, Boulmer to Craster by thetribe007, on Flickr
The rest of it is rutted farm track, single track and the odd bit of large pebble and sand when it goes down to the beach, couple of bridges to get you over the water, definitely pleased I wasn't on the tourer.

Some of the views though were not to be missed and I'm pleased I did head this way
14036433708_d91af8a3cf.jpg Beach between Boulmer & Craster Panorama by thetribe007, on Flickr

Once past there you're back on the road and it's down into Craster (for a quick personal pitstop :thumbsup:) This was the view while I was eating my sandwiches and I must have picked a good day as every other time I've been here it has been packed but today the seats were empty and maybe 20 people were wandering about, ate lunch to the sound of the waves, almost sent me to sleep
14223086695_04d990bb23.jpg Craster Harbour by thetribe007, on Flickr

After lunch it was basically the same route in reverse to get home, with just a couple of changes, took the road and not off road route back to Boulmer. Oh and while I enjoyed coming past Alnmouth Station on the way in (downhill) I certainly didn't enjoy on the way out.

All in all 69.7 miles, so my metric ton completed and on the mountain bike too.
14219783251_d57650e966.jpg Boats and Bike by thetribe007, on Flickr


Great report, Pete, though you're missing the point about Windy Hill - I didn't dare stop lest I embarrass myself! Thanks for your patience and assistance with The Mechanical and being brilliant company for the ride.

I don't think you could embarrass yourself with your hill climbing as i think you could give Quintana a run for his money, and the guy we passed who didn't seem to pleased to be passed by a girl was an epic moment. :laugh:

And you forgot to mention the fact that you cycled to the start :eek:, an added how many miles? :heat:



I don't think you could embarrass yourself with your hill climbing as i think you could give Quintana a run for his money, and the guy we passed who didn't seem to pleased to be passed by a girl was an epic moment. :laugh:

And you forgot to mention the fact that you cycled to the start :eek:, an added how many miles? :heat:


Convoi Exceptionnel
@Rickshaw Phil , his brother and I are doing the BHF Worcester ride at the end of June. Looking forward to it even more after reading this!
Hope you enjoy it. My only remotely adverse comment would be that, if you register on the day, the queue for registration is quite chaotic - nowhere to lean your bike while you fill in forms. Better (and cheaper - though that shouldn't be a factor as it goes to charity anyway) to register beforehand.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Love that shirt.....
Believe it or not, that's the biggest shirt that "Fat Lad at the Back" make - and it only just fits me! :blush:

I'm sure it worked in my favour in an audax earlier this year, as a few people seemed to feel pressured not to be seen behind me, and set off too fast as a result. I gradually reeled a few of them back in before the rest stops!:bicycle:


Hope you enjoy it. My only remotely adverse comment would be that, if you register on the day, the queue for registration is quite chaotic - nowhere to lean your bike while you fill in forms. Better (and cheaper - though that shouldn't be a factor as it goes to charity anyway) to register beforehand.
Yep we've registered online and so should be ok. Thanks for the advice though :thumbsup:


Changed hemispheres!
my ride today was eventful sadly. Up until a certain set of traffic lights, my hardest decision was what to wear this morning, 3/4 length shorts or full length leggings... I settled for the later because of my bad leg needing to be kept warm and it wasn't that warm out this morning - at least not for the first 30 mins anyhow...

So I am at a set of traffic lights - 2 lanes for 2 options, straight on and right only. Lights control both lanes separately...and I know this sequence inside out. I wasn't see by the lights when they were on green, so they changed to red on me as always, so I am in primary in the right hand lane, turning right. I won't go anywhere near the line separating the 2 lanes at this junction because most of the lorries go straight on and well, its just safer not being there. The lights for straight on finally change to green and before I know what is happening, (ours are still red and will be for some time, so I haven't even got ready to cycle away), the car behind me is doing a nose dive almost into the rear of my bike. I ignore it, no harm done, perhaps he didn't notice that the lights for turning right are still red... then I start to here the screaming and ranting and raving coming from the car! words along the lines are "they're green, they're ***** green, get out the way" are being yelled at me, but strangely no car horn. He drives at me again and a pedestrian is now looking at me strangely. I double check, no the lights are definitely still red and even if they were not, with the stream of lorries and cars coming towards us, there is nowhere to go to... the ranting and raving continues. The pedestrian stops to watch the scene... I'm doing my very best not to laugh because it is just so comical it is ridiculous! The lights finally turn to green (not before he has nose dived his car for the 3rd time inches from my rear wheel by now) and I make a leisurely get away. He wasn't the most co-operative of drivers when he finally managed to overtake me (some 250m later when the road widens) but he did bizarrely give me loads of room whilst he over revved his engine during the manoeuvre... and the culprit was a black 10 year old VW Passat! Guess he must have gotten out of bed on the wrong side this morning!. :laugh:

Coming home was pleasant and surprising... I overtook an electrical assist bike whilst going uphill! Boy was the guy rude to me as I did! Made me feel so much better... 69km out was slow because of the headwind, home again was rather faster with a nice tailwind!
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Perhaps This One.....
Temptation got the better of me this evening. I moved the road bike out of the house into the garage, and that involved unlocking the other bikes. Since I have been OK walking a little, albeit still on morphine and in a touch of pain, I thought a quick sit on the hybrid to see how it felt would be OK. This led to a wobble down the garden, and on the way back towards the house I happened to go out the gate and do a lap of the estate. Not hugely comfortable, but no more painful than walking. Managed 1 mile in 10 minutes, but a ride is a ride:smile:
I figure it's 1.5 miles on the cyclepath into town, and I need to get some keys cut so will consider that a target for this week.


World class procrastinator
Round our regular Wreningham Cyclepath Loop, all of 10.9 miles with 190' of climbing.
Here is my bike at Wreningham.
The nice quiet road through the village.
Brilliant Cyclepath just past the Lotus factory. One of our friends used to live on this road when it was a road and before all the houses were demolished. Better now I think.
Lovely Sunset as we skirted Kenninghall

51 minutes, not in a hurry and enjoying the evening. We both had backache from decorating in a small space and the ride was very helpful.
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