Your ride today.... (part 1)

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4th ride on my first fixie, three 1 mile + 4-5 % hills which i made to the top and now im home and aching!


Legendary Member
Day 1 of my holidays in the Lake District with @Rickshaw Phil and his brother Doug.

With heavy showers forecast for this afternoon, we decided on a morning ride and awoke to the sun burning off the cloud, after heavy overnight rain and some slightly rough heads due to the beer from last night!!

We took off from Elterwater and headed up into The Langdales for some steep climbing. There was a quick stop in Chapel Stile for some snacks to take with us and then we continued on towards the Dungeon Ghyll before sharp turns left and the start of the big climb up to Blea Tarn. It's a climb that gets into Simon Warren's book of 100 best climbs!

View to The Langdales

Doug isn't so sure about this climb!!

We slowly wound our way up the climb, about 415ft in a mile with a number of hairpins, and there were a few stops of breath before we reached the top. The stunning views were worth it though! We had a good chat to a really nice chap from Coniston who had cycled over as well.

There was then a nice descent to the bottom by the tarn, including meeting a prat in a landrover who forced his way past bikes and cars that dared to block his path, and we decided to head up to the bottom of Wrynose Pass, just to look at it!! Doug and I are not quite up to that climbing yet!

From there we followed the road back to Elterwater, to complete the loop and were glad to be on bikes as we were waved past a number of cars that were trying to work out how to pass each other on the narrow walled roads!

Once back in Elterwater a decision was made to continue along to Skelwith Fold and then up to The Drunken Duck Inn at Barngates for some lunch and a well earned pint


It was then back down to Skelwith Fold and along the road to Elterwater, arriving back just as a few spots of rain started to fall.

A superb start to the week and hopefully lots more cycling to come, with some longer rides.

16.56 miles
1449 ft of climbing
Avg speed 9.9mph


West Somerset
Day 1 of my holidays in the Lake District with @Rickshaw Phil and his brother Doug.

With heavy showers forecast for this afternoon, we decided on a morning ride and awoke to the sun burning off the cloud, after heavy overnight rain and some slightly rough heads due to the beer from last night!!

We took off from Elterwater and headed up into The Langdales for some steep climbing. There was a quick stop in Chapel Stile for some snacks to take with us and then we continued on towards the Dungeon Ghyll before sharp turns left and the start of the big climb up to Blea Tarn. It's a climb that gets into Simon Warren's book of 100 best climbs!

View to The Langdales View attachment 55289

Doug isn't so sure about this climb!!
View attachment 55290

We slowly wound our way up the climb, about 415ft in a mile with a number of hairpins, and there were a few stops of breath before we reached the top. The stunning views were worth it though! We had a good chat to a really nice chap from Coniston who had cycled over as well.
View attachment 55291

There was then a nice descent to the bottom by the tarn, including meeting a prat in a landrover who forced his way past bikes and cars that dared to block his path, and we decided to head up to the bottom of Wrynose Pass, just to look at it!! Doug and I are not quite up to that climbing yet!
View attachment 55292

From there we followed the road back to Elterwater, to complete the loop and were glad to be on bikes as we were waved past a number of cars that were trying to work out how to pass each other on the narrow walled roads!

Once back in Elterwater a decision was made to continue along to Skelwith Fold and then up to The Drunken Duck Inn at Barngates for some lunch and a well earned pint

View attachment 55294

It was then back down to Skelwith Fold and along the road to Elterwater, arriving back just as a few spots of rain started to fall.

A superb start to the week and hopefully lots more cycling to come, with some longer rides.

16.56 miles
1449 ft of climbing
Avg speed 9.9mph
Have a great week!


Today was a "Ride Like A Pro" event at the Kendal Jaguar dealership (since my local dealer isn't doing it :rolleyes:)


In effect, it's a free Sportive with refreshments and a goody bag, and three support cars (Jags of course) that patrolled around in case of mechanicals. One car was in Team Sky livery, one plain white and one from Wheelbase. A 30 mile route with some "nice" looking climbs awaited us, but it was warm and dry, even if some of the roads could still be wet.

With 70+ riders, we were set off in 3 groups of about 25 riders each and I settled for the third group, which had 3 of the Wheelbase riders in it. The first 7 miles was actually very flat and allowed the group to stay together, chat and socialise (I didn't see anyone doing anything stupid, which was nice).

There was a crash though as we came to a pinch point with a car on the other side. The group stopped and one girl at the front had a clipless fall. No harm done and once she'd got the chain back on we were on our way again. It was now that I noticed we had two youngsters with the group, both probably about 7 or 8 on their road bikes and having a great time :smile: One was doing the shorter, flat, route with his dad, the other was the son of one of the Wheelbase guys and he was taking on some of the hillier route. They were back before me, so I guess they cut the course short. Not that I blame them as there were some properly steep climbs in there.

On the way out of Grange-Over-Sands is the first climb of significance, more of a long drag, but more than 5% most of the way, which gets the heart started. By now, the group had been split up by the town and I would catch up with some of them later on.

A nice descent through Allithwaite followed, catching up with two cars that had passed me on the climb :laugh: but then I spotted our marshals making sure we didn't miss the next right turn. WTF! There is a wall in front of me :ohmy: :heat: . That had to be 20% I thought as I ground and gasped my way to the top. (Never trust Sportive route planners BTW).

Now we were heading towards Cartmel and Cartmel Fell... hmmm, I didn't do so well there last time. Once the road went up again, it was all straightforward, long climbs as we made our way over to Barber Green.

I was now wishing I'd gone to the loo before I started, I'd been trying to hang on, but it was no use, I needed to make a pitstop for a pee. Now... if you do this on a supported event, you just might find that a support car has sneaked up on you just as you've finished to see if you're OK :shy:

Anyway... Onwards through High Newton and the longest climb of the day out onto the top of the fell, followed by a brilliant flowing descent to finish off the climbing. Only one more little bump in between us and the finish now.

That was an excellent route and the coffee and nibbles at the end were most welcome back at the showroom. Our goody bags consisted of a branded water bottle, a jaguar magazine and a voucher for 40% off a Rapha wet bag. I've just looked it up on their site, the bag costs £135 :eek: so even with 40% off I'm not sure I really need one :laugh:

I'll be back next year :thumbsup:


Middle Earth
I was faffing about this morning and couldn't make my mind up whether to go out for a ride or not.
I had just decided yes, I'll go...when the post arrived.
My bottle cages and bottles arrived, as well as my small handlebar bag, yay!
So I put those on before I headed out.
The bag is just the right size to hold my small camera and saves me stopping and removing my backpack to search for it.


I did the usual loop around the canal via the Kelpies and Falkirk Wheel, a nice 15 miles.
I've had trouble with the gears which has meant a lack of bottom gears - not good when hills are involved but today, they behaved and I got up and could still speak at the top!


Taken as I was riding along....

Priscilla got a nice wash when I got back



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That would fit way better on my CX than the monstrosity I got from Halfords.....



Its okay to be white
Just about perfect cycling weather here today, it was warm enough this morning for a s/s jersey & hardly any breeze so I set off heading north into the Test Valley of Hampshire/Wiltshire on a mixture of some new roads for me & some I'd done before.

The route itself is made up mostly of country lanes, passing through small villages & along side arable fields & whilst there aren't any real hills as such its constantly up & down with just over 3000ft of climbing in the 69 miles which is a lot for this normally flat New Forest rider! :whistle:


The River Test, renowned for its trout fishing.


Not a low flying aircraft, but the army air corp museum at Middle Wallop


Thank you Wiltshire it was a pleasure.


I couldn't go past this little cutie without stopping for a pic!
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Über Member
Well it was my ride yesterday.

I came across a scouser who was riding jogle on his own on a Facebook page and he was coming through Bristol yesterday so I offered to ride with him. Jumped on the bike in Bath at 7am and did 17 miles to Bristol only to notice a missed text from him saying he has pushed through Bristol the previous evening to Weston-super-Mare. Jumped on a train and met him at 8.30 and headed off in the most direct route so A38 which isn't the best route for scenic quiet riding bit made 50 plus miles by noon.

We then bumped into a couple of Welsh lads also doing jogle who had just had a mech hanger snap and had called their support van. This is where things got complicated as their support van had just been in a big crash on the A38 and the driver was on the way to hospital and the van a write off. The traffic police however dragged the spare bike out and stopped to deliver it. An hour and a half of phone calls etc to a pound and Glenn the chap I was riding with support team they were able to collect the gear. We then headed off into Devon where I left them as I needed to be home for my family that evening so I pushed on back tracking a bit and then down to exeter. Total miles for the day over 108 but only 91 in one as the train in the middle so no imperial century but a good metric one to end the summer with. Also collected about 190 pounds for the charity so feel good about life today. The camaraderie of fellow cyclists makes me smile and the kudos to Glenn for doing 1k plus miles having only done 8 weeks and 200 miles training astounds me but it shows what you can do when you have a cause close to your heart.


Über Member
New Forest
Yesterday thanks to Diddly, I spent the day with 500 hundred other riders and the Garmin Sharp team in the New Forest. 47 mile ride out. Enjoyed the novelty of riding in a big group compared to plodding on me own , until I got a puncture from a cattle grid which left me at the back . Even consuming the free gels I flagged due to having four hours sleep the night before but the day was great and to meet Jack Bauer was brilliant
Chapeau to the teams involved to get out and mix with the fans and not hide in the team coaches!!
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