'you're doing well'

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cannondale boy

Über Member
J4CKO said:
By the sound of it, the guy was flying, he knows it and isnt used to anyone keeping up so I would take it as a compliment, he could well be some kind of pro cyclist ?

Wasn't a larger framed chap on a mountain bike was it ? :biggrin:

Yeah flying down a hill...but the guy going at 25mph at a steady pace WOW what a pace! I am surprised you could say anything, i would probably be out of breath by that point :blush:


tall lean bloke on a white Colagno road bike with nothing on it, yellow ortlieb on his back

it was fast alright although I was trying so hard that I only noticed by the speed at which we flew past the other cyclists

that Mile End road is good for a blat along a lot of it, full bus lane, straight and level, i remember riding with a chap on the first day I switched to that route and he said it was like a race track, barring the lights natch, shame about them

I have been getting quicker and quicker, I really made an effort to push on a few months back after my weight stabilised at just over 15st and I probably cruise comfortably (ish) at 20/22mph on the flat and can get it to 25mph with some effort/following wind, it's remarkable how once you lift the legs up to that level they can get comfortable there

this is over 10 miles of level commute I hasten to add, I won't be doing the Dun Run at 20mph, I wish

Don't mean to boast with all the 'how fast i went' but I've come on such a long way in a year and a bit, faster and 2 and a half stone lighter and it really makes me happy at my time of life (43)


Tynan said:
tall lean bloke on a white Colagno road bike with nothing on it, yellow ortlieb on his back

it was fast alright although I was trying so hard that I only noticed by the speed at which we flew past the other cyclists

that Mile End road is good for a blat along a lot of it, full bus lane, straight and level, i remember riding with a chap on the first day I switched to that route and he said it was like a race track, barring the lights natch, shame about them

I have been getting quicker and quicker, I really made an effort to push on a few months back after my weight stabilised at just over 15st and I probably cruise comfortably (ish) at 20/22mph on the flat and can get it to 25mph with some effort/following wind, it's remarkable how once you lift the legs up to that level they can get comfortable there

this is over 10 miles of level commute I hasten to add, I won't be doing the Dun Run at 20mph, I wish

Don't mean to boast with all the 'how fast i went' but I've come on such a long way in a year and a bit, faster and 2 and a half stone lighter and it really makes me happy at my time of life (43)

Tynan - I see you dont do chaingangs... !

This is the difference between a commuter and chaingang rider !


Legendary Member
Tynan said:
I probably cruise comfortably (ish) at 20/22mph on the flat and can get it to 25mph with some effort/following wind,
You slacker...no wonder he was leaving you behind. Nah - definitely being condescending. Shame on you. Put a bit of effort in! :blush:
It sounds like a p155tak3 to me.:laugh:

Tynan what time do you commute?

Im the slow one at all times of day.Tommorow I will hit (literally) Stratford at 4am.:laugh:


New Member
To hell with the cynicism, i would have taken it as a compliment

Obviously not used to someone keeping up with him and could probably detect you were riding in the spirit of competition

The guy probably rides at that pace as a matter of routine and was sporting enough to take the time to compliment you on your efforts

There are those on this thread who have accused the guy of arrogance for his comments but conversely, isn't it also arrogant not to accept a compliment from someone obviously very good?
Looks like I came across in the wrong way but it's just the way I see things.

I see Tynan's friend as a bit of a professional and I know some of these guys are really serious whereas i've never been in the same class myself.Too lazy I guess.(and now too clapped out)

There are those on this thread who have accused the guy of arrogance for his comments but conversely, isn't it also arrogant not to accept a compliment from someone obviously very good?

Don't really see it as arrogance but I know myself that i'd be nowhere in the class of him or probably not Tynan either :laugh:.I won't even go on a work ride now due to my 'problems' and slowness.


yuk yuk hack, your timetables amazes me to this day, I've never yet seen any pattern to it, I'm a regular9am starter so tend to roll through Stratford from Leytonstone at about 8.30/30

fwiw i think the bloke was being sincere, at the speed he rode at I very much doubt he was was used to anyone keeping up with him

I toy with the idea of joining the LVCC but time at the weekend is so precious

and their kit is a rather manqy green colour


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
You did well.....

The blank stares I get on weekend runs when you fly past folk..."lighten up"...TBH, he's either seriously stupid to commute on a Colnago or just flippin odd.......... or it might be a cheap one......


Colagno posh? I'm not a buff on bikes

face mask, nuff said I suppose

thankfully it was a Tuesday morning and I cleaned the bike at the weekend
Im jealous,wish I could do that.;)

Tynan said:
yuk yuk hack, your timetables amazes me to this day, I've never yet seen any pattern to it, I'm a regular9am starter so tend to roll through Stratford from Leytonstone at about 8.30/30

fwiw i think the bloke was being sincere, at the speed he rode at I very much doubt he was was used to anyone keeping up with him

I toy with the idea of joining the LVCC but time at the weekend is so precious

and their kit is a rather manqy green colour

I may see you one day as I do all different times.

Was your keep up a burst or could you have maintained it for miles?

Did you keep up for miles?


I would take it as a compliment. Do you really think it was a facemask, or did he have an oxygen mask with an oxygen bottle in the Ortleib ;)

Good effort with the weight loss and the cycling improvements.


Legendary Member
I'd happily take it as a compliment...
Had something similar a few years ago...going along at a fair lick on my old Chromo Raleigh...guy came alongside on a nice cannondale....we chatted, i got all defensive about my lowly bike (compared to his)....he said, 'no no...you're doing well'

It gave me a lift ;)

The tone of his voice should tell you everything Tynan.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
Sounds like he thought you should have known who he was otherwise why would you tell someone they're doing ok for keeping up with their fast pace - poncey git!!

On the other hand take everything as a compliment, you slowcoach, it makes life much easier! :smile:
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