'You're not riding home on that ?'........

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Colleague came in askeng a few questions...... work related...got all that done.....

Then....looking at bike.........

'You're not riding home on that ?'........

Me...'Yup every day.....why.....?'

'The weather is horrible, you're a nutter.........' :biggrin: (it's bouncing down)

'It's great' I said, 'drivers look at you and think you've lost it....I've got my waterproofs'.


PS my new BBB Hardware Aqua-Shield Overshoes are awesome.... waterproof .... with no additional home made protection (i.e. bottom corner of plastic bag as barrier between shoe and neoprene)....shoes dry as a bone. Brill ! :evil: They are neoprene with a PU bonded layer on top - water runs off.
I got my first "you didn't ride in today did you?" for the first time in ages yesterday. Yep, it was raining ..
Tharg2007 said:
"ooh, you're going to get wet today"
actually i didn't.
Ha ha, yeah. You get the ones that seem quite gleeful about it. Though most of my colleagues have now twigged that I'm indifferent to rain .. doesn't stop a few of them, mind.

And them's the ones that don't like it when we get our not infrequent gridlock locally and I get home in half the time it takes them. Bizarrely, the overlap between that group and the "group who live closer to the office than LC" is very high! :biggrin::evil:


Somerset UK
Don't ride to work, but to a good few other places. The one I hate and always have is "Why do you use a bike when you've got a perfectly good car?".

Had it today when I visited one of my suppliers wearing a slightly wet waterproof jacket. (They have a local monopoly fortunately for them).

I can think of several replies but no reply and a "what's your problem?" look is better!
garrilla said:

with the usual sobriquet: "you're a nutcase"
Just stare intently at their left ear and say, "you should join us, the Lizard Overlords will be sparing those with two wheels when the end comes".


Twenty Inch said:
I usually reply something along the lines of "Join us, we have cake". Manages to convey enough "I don't care what you think" with a bit of humour.

or just cut to the chase and say "I don't care what you think"


Senior Member

'You're not riding home on that ?'........

Me...'Yup every day.....why.....?'

'...., you're a nutter.........' :

that's what Proper Cyclists (TM) say as I set off for my hovel through the puddles on my little tricycle...


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
fossyant said:

PS my new BBB Hardware Aqua-Shield Overshoes are awesome.... waterproof .... with no additional home made protection (i.e. bottom corner of plastic bag as barrier between shoe and neoprene)....shoes dry as a bone. Brill ! :laugh: They are neoprene with a PU bonded layer on top - water runs off.

Where did you get them from??
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