Youtube, the weird and wonderful

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Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex
I truly love this.
Pulp Shakespeare, which does exactly what it says on the tin.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I'm with you there. MDB.
Would I collect train numbers? Never in a million years.
There's a difference between train fans (which I am) and trainspotters (which I'm not).

Yes, unfortunately the sheeple don't understand this.

If you are into trains then you are all exactly the same, every single one of you... you are all clones with anoraks, thermos flasks, thick rimmed glasses and dodgy teeth, BUT, if you are into anything else, then suddenly everyone is different :rolleyes:

There are a lot of strange people into trains, I'll admit, (and they can irritate me immensely due to their complete lack of imagination, in the same way that cyclists who jump red lights annoy most of us on here. But we don't ALL jump red lights, just as all railway enthusiasts are not ALL the same) partly due to it being rather attractive to the autistic types, BUT WE ARE NOT ALL AUTISTIC AND WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME, WE ARE INDIVIDUALS!! FFS.

Unfortunately I fear that, as per bloody usual with the generalpublic, it will fall on deaf ears.

Stereotyping people is generally not seen as being acceptable... unless you are into Railways of course!! Then people think that it is perfectly acceptable to insult you to your face, and believe me, I've had it plenty of times, purely because, shock horror, I actually looked at a train..... but, if you insult them back, it is as though you have just farted in their face. Pathetic, utterly pathetic.

If you ask people to justify their actions, they usually don't have the first clue why, it is 'just the way it is'.

Everyone is different, but generally, people are a bit stupid, some more than others (and some are just better at hiding it than others), but everyone, in their own way, is stupid (and I include myself in that, hell, I know that fine well, but I at least have an excuse). I base this on what I have experienced over the years, not an assumption based entirely on one person or group of persons or a few posts on a random internet forum about bikes, but as a whole.

The train thing isn't the reason why I happen to be a bit misanthropic (I know that some is good humoured banter), but it is still a great example of the kinds of attitudes that have led me to realise that I am no 'people person', and probably never will be.

We as a species have done wonderful things and have the capacity to make the world an even better place, we have the intelligence to know better and learn from things, but we never do, we just keep going round and round in circles, again and again, generation after generation. A CLASSIC example of this is my first post in The Greatest Speeches In Cinema History thread with Charlie Chaplin giving one of his few talking parts. Watch it, and think to yourself how many of the issues raised in it we are still talking about now.

Please Mothership, take me home, PLEASE!!

Doug - Who will probably end up living as a hermit somewhere on a remote island off the west coast of Scotland, and sod the lot of you.


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Im a fan of the artist Jan Jelinek so the Nasa Vid made it so much better for me. I posted this months ago. Sorry if you've seen it

You need in in full screen to appreciate it though
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