Zwift Chat

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That was interesting!

I got myself in a group with @JLaw at the start which I think was 2nd on the road then 2.6 miles in my internet connection went pop. I cycled along on my own for about 4 miles and then everyone reappeared and I was 103rd out of 106. Gutted!!

Managed to chase on to a group then spotted @JLaw and @Spartak up the road so I chased their group and got in with them. We went up a climb and I managed to stick with the leaders and I think unfortunately Jeff and Spartak got distanced.

I presumed that I would get dropped on the next climb and then i could rejoin my team mates then but I seemingly was in decent fettle and kept with the group until 1 mile to go. Unfortunately I got dropped but thanks to @Whorty's word of encouragement I kept 300 watts clicking over for the final climb.

Ended up 91st with a time of 1hr 26mins and change setting a new FTP of 272 in the process.

Also fiddled with trainer difficulty tonight - popped it down to 30-40% - I wasn't a fan - struggled to get my sprint going on the descents and flat. I'll be back to 50% for the next one.

Well done everyone else, not managed to get on ZP yet but by the sounds of it we all did pretty well :okay:

Great work! Well done keeping a cool head when your internet cut out for so long. My screen froze for about 2 seconds with 3km to go and I almost freaked out!


Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
Well done everyone tonight 👍👍. Fecking horrendous, as predicted! 😄

I’m having problems finding the result in zp but on zwift companion app it says I came 14th. The guy who won the race was 4.9 with no hrm so I guess there’s a good chance he gets the boot?

I luckily got to the end still in the front group. And over the rollers I felt like I had a chance to really make a tilt at it. But in the end I just had to watch the winner cross the line from a few rows back.


** Full Time Pro **
What a tough race! There wasn’t much chat at all on our discord until after the race. Well done Tommy who stayed with the front group nearly the full distance and placed highest. We all made it over Titans Grove in the front group of 30 but I think Myself, Pete and Paul has to work hard to chase back on having been gapped just as we crested. That came to hurt us then on Hilly KOM. I went out the back very fast and was surprised to see Paul and Pete also there. I think that’s also were we lost Andy and Norry. Myself and Paul grouped up with another 3 riders and we rode together to the volcano. The climb was tough with Paul setting a hot pace in our group for most of it but the group stayed together over and down. I’m not sure what happened Paul leaving the volcano island but he lost the wheels and couldn’t make it back across. We mopped up another couple of riders. I banged in a high 5 gel but alas it didn’t do the trick and I came in last out of the small group I was in - legs kicking up just at the end. But good enough for around 25th place. Happy enough and goes to show the standard or racing.

Well done again everyone. Sounds like the #68ers all enjoyed that too!! 😀


Legendary Member
What a tough race! There wasn’t much chat at all on our discord until after the race. Well done Tommy who stayed with the front group nearly the full distance and placed highest. We all made it over Titans Grove in the front group of 30 but I think Myself, Pete and Paul has to work hard to chase back on having been gapped just as we crested. That came to hurt us then on Hilly KOM. I went out the back very fast and was surprised to see Paul and Pete also there. I think that’s also were we lost Andy and Norry. Myself and Paul grouped up with another 3 riders and we rode together to the volcano. The climb was tough with Paul setting a hot pace in our group for most of it but the group stayed together over and down. I’m not sure what happened Paul leaving the volcano island but he lost the wheels and couldn’t make it back across. We mopped up another couple of riders. I banged in a high 5 gel but alas it didn’t do the trick and I came in last out of the small group I was in - legs kicking up just at the end. But good enough for around 25th place. Happy enough and goes to show the standard or racing.

Well done again everyone. Sounds like the #68ers all enjoyed that too!! 😀
@IrishAl I got cramp 😕


Legendary Member
Can’t see results in Zwift Power yet but my names not appearing in the companion app results . Had a couple of dropouts for a couple of seconds in second half ( Apple TV ) , companion app froze on me and headphones died on me , so a bad night for technology . Saw your message @IrishAl on screen about not working for the group , so sat in , well done everyone , it was a tough one , legs were jelly on last couple of I s on Titans Grove . Hope I’ve got a time 🤞
Still no sign of you in the zwiftpower results- will be a shame if you don't get a time after such a strong ride :sad:


Über Member
@<Tommy> 3.8w/kg average for 72 minutes
@Ketty 3.3w/kg for 79 minutes

My legs are certainly feeling it this am!! 79minutes :wacko:

Has everyone’s ZP pulled through ok?

I managed to start in the front group until Titans grove then a few of us got spat out the back (at first view the main difference between C & B is speed on lumps) before forming a small group up forward KOM. Managed to drop the pack up there and regrouped with @bobinski on the downhill. We then took turns to catch a few more before helping each other up the Volcano.

10 or so made the trip from the flat to the finish where with some digging in I managed to drop a few of the pack and finish 63rd.

Happy with that considering B debut and that I still put out (at 95% 20min) C numbers. Also that legs still felt heavy after Sunday’s morning 82miles/6500ft round the Yorkshire dales :heat:

If selected, roll on next week, new course same time I’m guessing? :boxing:


Legendary Member
Enjoyed this race. I came 34th of 95 so just met my goal of finishing in the top third.

I started well and was in the front group for the first 15 minutes or so - but dropped out towards the top of the first KOM in Titan's Grove. As it's virtually impossible to get back on in Zwift I slowed to wait for the next group of about 10 riders.

We pretty much stayed together for the rest of the race - I felt I had a slight edge on the hills (Watopia KOM and Volcano) but didn't try to get away as no point going solo.

We were mopping up a few dropped riders as we went. As we approached Titan's Grove I was surprised to see @peterob slightly ahead and then he joined our group. My earphones seem to shut off so whilst I wa shouting to people on and off, I don't think anyone could hear me.

My plan was to stay near the front of my group up the final hill (Titan's Grove reverese) and put in a hard 2 minute all out effort to finish as I thought others may have better short term power.

This worked well and I was the first of our group to the line catching a few more stragglers as well on the way - finishing in 1:15:57.

Looking at the results I was surprised to see @bridgy only 2 places ahead of me - now I know why. Shame @Alongo time isn't showing as he was going well.

PS - looks like the power numbers are screwed up on ZP.


PS - looks like the power numbers are screwed up on ZP.
Yeah - I wondered how I could average 3.2 W/Kg and have a max 20 min of 2.6 W/Kg! :wacko:

A bit of a pattern for me last night. I just about manged to stick with the front group over Titan's Grove - it was a bit of an effort (along with Paul and AL too I think) to attach ourselves to the group as it crested the top. I think I suffered for that for as soon as we hit the forward KOM my legs just couldn't take it and I was spat out the back. I wasn't going to get back onto the pack so eased up and awaited the next group which contained @Alongo .

I felt ok up the Volcano, but again on the steeper slopes near the top my legs stopped working and I was spat out the back. I tried to get back on, but to no avail so again I soft-pedalled awaiting the group about 30 secs behind, containing @Norry1. The group rode together until approx 2km from the end. I decided to go for a long out effort and made a jump, but unfortunately seemed to suffer a dead-stop shortly after which broke my rhythm. Martin then put in an impressive effort and held it through to the finish and I trailed in a few secs after him in 39th place.

I enjoyed it but feel a bit disappointed looking back. I've been progressing well since getting back onto Zwift a few weeks ago and hoped I could get into the points positions. But I didn't quite have it in the key moments last night.

It was good to see #23 all in the top half last night, which should make for a good TTT next week. Shame your result hasn't showed up yet in ZP @Alongo.


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Great work! Well done keeping a cool head when your internet cut out for so long. My screen froze for about 2 seconds with 3km to go and I almost freaked out!
As you went into the climb for the last time your avatar did a U-turn too :eek: That freaked me out ... then you put in a massive dig to get back on the group :notworthy:


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Last night proved I'm not a cat B. rider yet.
I can't hold the power for any length of time.
So therefore if there is a stronger rider is waiting in the wings for next weeks TTT I'm more than happy to sit that one out, I believe with the current #68 line up I'd slow them down too much.
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