"Can I listen to headphones whilst riding / training"...

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Dan B

Disengaged member
I check behind regularly. Its about being drawn attention to someone behind during the moments you are not looking backwards. Like I say, in a car, the mirrors are in my peripheral vision. Things can draw my attention. A cyclist who can't hear will only know what's behind at the times they look.
Unless what's behind is an electric vehicle or another cyclist, in which case the headphoneless cyclist will be just as unaware as the cool one
Unless what's behind is an electric vehicle or another cyclist, in which case the headphoneless cyclist will be just as unaware as the cool one
Correct. It doesn't solves all problems but solves quite a lot. I'd take that. I still shoulder check regularly but it's helpful for certain tw*ts in cars


World class procrastinator
Tried a set of these at my local running shop, really impressed. Bit like driving a car with the radio on, and I was able to have a chat with the shop assistant whilst listening to music with no problem. Not bought any yet though, at the best part of £50 for the cheapest one's they will have to wait..
I went mad and got the bluetooth jobs. Hubster paid for most of them as a pressie. I also got 15% discount from the bike shop as I'm a member of a bike club. The man in the shop said that I was so I must be ^_^


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
Put simply a deaf person has no choice, someone who does have a choice imho is an idiot.
If someone wearing headphones/earphones and thus (apparently) impairing their hearing is "daft" or an "idiot". By your logic, a person who happens to be hearing impaired already is also an idiot and/or "daft"


Legendary Member
Clearer than for drivers, by 20db, yes.

If earphone-wearing by cyclists is so terribly awful and reckless can you find the practice cited in a fatal RTC?

30 sec of googling throws up:

A coroner has returned a verdict of accidental death in the case of a cyclist who apparently rode without warning into the path of a car that was overtaking him as he attempted to perform a right turn on a road in Lincolnshire. A police officer told the inquest it was "likely" the victim was wearing earphones.

Phil Dawn, a father-of-three, failed to hear the passenger train’s horn as it thundered towards him, or the shouts of horrified bystanders who tried to stop the cyclist from moving on to the crossing.

An inquest heard Mr Dawn, 34, ‘did not flinch’ despite the desperate attempts of two walkers to alert him to the oncoming danger.

Giving evidence at Nottingham Coroner’s Court Thomas Butler said he and his friend Grant Pinhold heard the train twice sound its horn moments after seeing the cyclist ride on to the tracks - but he didn’t seem to hear them or the approaching train.

It is quite likely that Ellie was wearing earphones and was listening to Radio 4 Women's Hour at the time of the crash. Her phone was found beside her on the road, turned on and still tuned into the BBC. While the sound of the radio may not have been a factor, the act of listening might have divided her attention leading to less awareness of the risk of the turning lorry.


Some rubbish being spouted on this thread !
I hear every car just the same with my earphones in !
I hear cars better with my earphones in on a non windy day than I hear without earphones when its windy !
I like to be able to hear , earphones don't stop you hearing !
Never trust your ears anyway ,always look , anybody knocked down because of pulling out in front of a car has done so because they never looked not because they didn't hear !
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