i have a coach

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Legendary Member
What did the coach say when you told him you ride 50 miles a week and are having the next two weeks off?

mark st1

Plastic Manc
Leafy Berkshire
Was rather hoping he was going to say he was cruising around in this



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Rollin' along
Manchester way
Good luck in your aims, I genuinely hope it works for you but as before, the attitude worries me that you seem to think there is a magic wand somewhere out there that will make you Chris Froome without the effort.

@User beat me to it, why have all your bikes off the road at once,

Having messed up your maintenance schedule like this, have you got a pal you can borrow a bike from to keep your legs turning over?

50 miles is less than my weekly commuting and I'm as far from competing as it is humanly possible to get, are yours commuting miles or focused dedicated training miles putting in intervals of sprinting etc. How many are riding in groups to keep you sharp for that aspect?

What mileage have you told your coach you are doing and what was his reaction if you said 50?

If you are still working as many hours as you were when people had this discussion with you before and you were adamant that you were serious about competing and were riding as much as you possibly could then, what are you going to be able do differently now when the coach suggests riding more than your weekly average as a single session and then tells you what he wants you doing for training on and off the bike for the other 6 days?


Legendary Member
I'm not interested in competing. Similarly, I don't work, don't commute, and I'm more into running than riding at the moment, and still smack out well in excess of fifty a week.

Speaking of which, the biggest - unintended but nevertheless welcome - improvement to my cycling performance in recent years has come from running.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I am doing roughly 50 miles a week apart from the next 2 weeks due to bikes being in for service and repair. I have heard about them races but i am going to miss them due to the track gets a load of debris on from cars which have crashed.

Free advice.

Learn how to fix a bike yourself. Should be off the road no more than 24hours if awaiting some specialist part. You say bikes, never have both done at the same time. Bikes don't need to be serviced, you just maintain them as and when, paying attention to keeping the drive chain clean. The only parts that need servicing are suspension components.

50 miles isn't enough. I'm at the minute doing upto 30 miles a week and that's recovering from a broken spine. I can tell you that this is not enough either as I've lost a huge amount of fitness.
I know some of you have said in the past i don't need one and i should just ride more.

If the coach is honest that's what he'll tell you too.


If the coach is honest that's what he'll tell you too.

He'll probably tell him that anyway. But a coach can and will get jamma riding and training in ways that he is unlikely to come up with on his own. Paying for a service like this usually provides a bit of focus for the rider.
Good for you Jamma. Of course you should be doing 200+ miles a week and then use the coach to improve the structure of your workload. But at least you're doing something to achieve your objectives. Don't listen to all the negativity here and good luck
You can over train my coach has cut me back a fair bit I was doing over 200miles in a week but I still do a lot more than 50, I think this week I've done 190 road miles. Hope it works out for Jamma, I dare say the first thing the coach will do is up the mileage and/or add HIT turbo training.


Über Member
stockton on tees
He commented about my riding and said he would improve the mileage i do. He did say he usally coachs people with more hours on a bike but he's took me in as a blank slate and would see improvements in most areas aswell


Rural Quebec
There is one online training source that recommends 500 miles a week early season base miles phase. There is no way Jamma can go from 50 to 500 overnight but if Jamma is racing against people with this level of fitness there will be problems unless he ups his mileage.


If 6 Was 9
I am doing roughly 50 miles a week...........

According to your Strava you have done 70.7 miles this month and ridden a total of 4h 26m with 3005ft of elevation.
By my reckoning, that's 21.5 miles and an average of 1h 21m in the saddle each week.
I do more than that each week just on my shopping bike.
Please stop deluding yourself.
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