Is it getting worse?

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Coventry, uk

I had one last week, a car waiting to turn right flashed a car waiting to turn right onto his road. Brilliant except I was about 10 meters away. I clocked the flash and immediately hit the brakes in anticipation of what I thought would happen. The female car driver whilst thanking the male drive who had flashed her out just pulled out. I yelled, she stopped. As I slowly rode past his window, using the little bit of rad I had been left, I shouted to him whilst pointing at my eyes "could you not f'in see me". Nope he couldn't, he just stared straight ahead with the "if I don't look at him he's not there" look on his face.


I've had marks left on my jerseys by wing mirrors hitting me recently. I went to tear the head off of a muppet in an MPV, who nudged me at a set of lights in Woking last week. The lights changed just as I got to his window.



Über Member
Fens, Cambridge
Worse - I am getting totally fed up with high rev last minute overtakes before pinch points (especially one road with parked cars on my side of road) only for them to have to hammer on the anchors to give priority to approaching cars when a small amount of thought and consideration would have led them to wait behind me and end up in exactly the same position but not having blocked me off - but I guess the MGIF brigade either don't think or just don't want to deal with passing the bike further down the road - all a little depressing
(For balance and audi (yes really) slowed the traffic and flashed me out of a side turning last week which also meant I was then ahead of them - I thought it might be a trick - but no just a kind person (bet they were a cyclist though!))


Legendary Member
It's prob because I'm now a cyclist but I've noticed so many people on the phones while I'm walking, on the bus etc - I'm surprised people still do it given that the police are supposed to be hot on catching it...

That's Why no won't own a smartphone - don't want to back e a zombie.

Deleted member 1258

Its about the same as it's always been, I've not noticed it getting any worse, but then I don't cycle across Coventry very often these days, I commute out from Coventry to Nuneaton. Its always been very noticeable that the driving in Coventry is worse than it is outside of Coventry, on my commute once I'm out of the city I can relax a little bit, whilst I'm in the city I need to be on my toes, but it's always been like that.
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Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon


Just a little busy on the A3 this morning. It actually can get quite dangerous, you get a group of people on human powered machines, all with different abilities and stregths. Wanting to go fast and being able to go fast is fine if you have discipline, but you get many people who think they are fast and that they can go fast with very little discipline and you notice they start causing issues, perhaps not directly to themselves but it affects other riders.

Take this for example:


Anyway that is going off on a tangent. Here is a screenshot a few of my flybys this morning. I think all of these were me overtaking them, not a single person passing me today. For various reasons I haven't linked to my actual flyby page, i would appreciate if those that do follow me on strava don't link to it here, thank you.


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Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
London's got a whole lot better over the last six years. I get a couple of possibly close to death experiences each year now, but by and large (given the sheer volume of traffic), the drivers are absolutely fantastic.
I love riding in London. It's very good fun.


Cycling in the sun
Here is a screenshot a few of my flybys this morning. I think all of these were me overtaking them, not a single person passing me today. For various reasons I haven't linked to my actual flyby page, i would appreciate if those that do follow me on strava don't link to it here, thank you.
Wow love the screenshot!!


  • Rql6asD.png
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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Just a little busy on the A3 this morning. It actually can get quite dangerous
Wow, it's like a Critical Mass ride every day down there! I am slighly surprised that no-one seemed to be using bells or horns to warn they're overtaking in the less usual ways (left-side, 3-up and so on)... and I have noticed that the road markings on CS7 often don't bother to tell you when cycles can go straight on from a turn-left lane and so on, which is rather irritating if you don't use it often.


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
Wow, it's like a Critical Mass ride every day down there! I am slighly surprised that no-one seemed to be using bells or horns to warn they're overtaking in the less usual ways (left-side, 3-up and so on)... and I have noticed that the road markings on CS7 often don't bother to tell you when cycles can go straight on from a turn-left lane and so on, which is rather irritating if you don't use it often.
Because there are so many cyclists it would be impractical to call out that you are passing to even a small percentage of them. And because we are all used to this level of busyness, you are expecting to get overtaken and it isn't actually an issue. Even further out of London where there are much less cyclists, you never announce that you are passing. Just do it, this is london after all, where people don't talk, we all have our own things to do.


Über Member
Agreed, cycling in London is actually awesome because drivers seem a lot better... overall speeds are lower, people watch out for you quite well and there are tonnes of other cyclists so safety in numbers.
Of course the consequence to that is you notice other cyclists cycling badly a lot more.

Cycling at home (Norfolk), I don't cycle on most roads anyway due to safety concerns because I've never had a non-close pass! Especially in the summer when the bushes have grown out, there's often zero visibility round corners on country roads and people are gunning it at 60mph... tourism means most of them are in giant F off 4x4s with no local knowledge and so don't suspect cyclists might also be out on the roads.
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