Knighthood for Chris Froome?

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I hope one day to be able to proclaim "I am not British".

Me too .....Scottish first British second I expect. English Welsh and Northern Irish would declare their own nationalality first before British?


Look matey, I am English born and bred apart from when the West Indies are doing well in cricket then I'm Jamaican or when Scotland are doing well in the World Cup then I'm Scottish or when Portugal are doing well then I'm Portuguese but most of the time I'm a WASP.
Scotland doing well in the World Cup!!!!!!!! That was some time ago.....roll on 2018 though
Froome already has 2 yellow jerseys. Only 282 people have ever worn one and even less ended a Tour with one - much rarer thing than a Knighthood. I wouldn't begrudge him it, but to me he already has something better (x2). I feel the same about those wearing an Olympic medal around their necks too.
Dave Brailsford having a Knighthood is right - he has contributed to the sport and the Knighthood recognises that, but he'll never be a household name like Froome/Wiggins. Same with coaches that have got the Olympians to the point where they are standing on the podium.
[QUOTE 3822339, member: 259"]why not coaches and managers? Who would argue with Matt Busby?[/QUOTE]
Not me. Take it that I meant 'coach' as an encompassing term for those who enable the athletes to get on the podium - Sir Dave Brailsford being one of them.


Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
Don't forget that Froome also has KOM - something that hasn't happened since 1970. Brud only won in 2012 cos Froome was the uber domestique that he could be...I'm sure we all remember Froome pulling Brud up the hills, and getting team orders to stay with him.


Legendary Member
I am sure that there are other individuals in society who deserve knighthoods for works with charity, rather than a guy who makes loads of money by riding a bike. A great sportsman, no doubt.


Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
I am sure that there are other individuals in society who deserve knighthoods for works with charity, rather than a guy who makes loads of money by riding a bike. A great sportsman, no doubt. sporting terms he earns a pittance.....wendyballers earn in a week, sitting on the bench not playing wendyball, what he earned in 3 weeks of cycling over 3500km. If he dropped out of any of the stages then it would be game over. Wendyballers can break a fingernail and sit out all season but still get paid in excess of silly money. Golferistas can wander around, having a jolly walk, getting someone else to carry all their kit (and do remeber this isn't mountain climbing when you need someone called Sherpa Something to carry your kit for you cos you are too frail) to hit a small ball with a long stick into a rabbit burrow. And please don't get me started on for motor sport; well the motor does all the effort, the driver is just there to point and steer, so not a sport in my's just driving.


:cheers: sporting terms he earns a pittance.....wendyballers earn in a week, sitting on the bench not playing wendyball, what he earned in 3 weeks of cycling over 3500km. If he dropped out of any of the stages then it would be game over. Wendyballers can break a fingernail and sit out all season but still get paid in excess of silly money. Golferistas can wander around, having a jolly walk, getting someone else to carry all their kit (and do remeber this isn't mountain climbing when you need someone called Sherpa Something to carry your kit for you cos you are too frail) to hit a small ball with a long stick into a rabbit burrow. And please don't get me started on for motor sport; well the motor does all the effort, the driver is just there to point and steer, so not a sport in my's just driving.

Absolutely spot on.
Also, what's with the wendyballer business? I assume you're referring to football and it's a homophobic slur?
Steady. I think it is a 'name' more to do with the propensity of soccer players to fall over at the merest touch, roll around in agony then spring up and launch their heads toward a ball, score a goal, slide on the turf with knees bent, be jumped upon by several team-mates, arise, swing shirt around in the air, make shapes with hands, legs etc and then nod head vigorously whilst pointing at his Club badge, grimacing in angry defiance toward the opposition support.
That's all.
As an aside, rugby union is oft thought of as 'kick and clap' by the rugby league fraternity. Thankfully, that is changing.


Bendy...but not broken.


Legendary Member
He may earn a pittance but but his financial team still thinks it advisable for him to reside in Monaco. In Real terms it is not much of a pittance. Im just a believer that Awards, like knighthoods, should be given to those who earn them by helping other people over years of service. I know that wont happen, which is why knighthoods for sports personalities and celebrities dont really interest me.


Cracking a solo. sporting terms he earns a pittance.....wendyballers earn in a week, sitting on the bench not playing wendyball, what he earned in 3 weeks of cycling over 3500km. If he dropped out of any of the stages then it would be game over. Wendyballers can break a fingernail and sit out all season but still get paid in excess of silly money. Golferistas can wander around, having a jolly walk, getting someone else to carry all their kit (and do remeber this isn't mountain climbing when you need someone called Sherpa Something to carry your kit for you cos you are too frail) to hit a small ball with a long stick into a rabbit burrow. And please don't get me started on for motor sport; well the motor does all the effort, the driver is just there to point and steer, so not a sport in my's just driving.
What a load of old bollocks from a bitter and ill informed twerp, and if you don't think that the top tennis players are supreme athletes then you need to take a good look at yourself, better yet, take a good look at the top players in action.
Titles are not important.
Chris Froome will live with it, and represent his sport to the best of his ability - whether the 'sir' is at the front or the back. In contrast, there might be those who trade on the pomp - but most people worthy of acknowledgement just get on with it and are not motivated by the think or the talk. It's their doing that matters.
Rumour has it that the SKY kit for TdF 2016 is going to have an ermine trim...
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