Knighthood for Chris Froome?

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John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
[QUOTE 3822307, member: 259"]I can see this working well for the house of lords.[/QUOTE]
If only we could extend it to the commons.


In between here and there
I wouldn't call 3 million per annum a pittance.. Plus personal sponsorship and endorsements. He loves cycling, and it might be a sufferfest but I suffer a little every time I am on the bike and I love it, you could argue it is part of the enjoyment.

Conversely Women's football suffers far less injury feigning than men's football so not sure why it should be termed wendyball as an insult. And I don't buy into all this sexism right on malarkey, after all I like podium girls.


No it isn't. All those other sports require much the same to be the best at them, hard work applied to natural physique and aptitude. There is nothing to be gained by denigrating other sports.

Footballers have an easy ride compared to Tour de France cyclists ... I'd like to see any of the Premier leagues top players tackling the tour ....they wouldn't last a day...they fall down and roll about the ground at the slightest contact with each other....god knows how they'd react if they were in one of those road crashes that Rugby players .....theyre real men they would cope but theyre too heavy ....


Cracking a solo.
Footballers have an easy ride compared to Tour de France cyclists ... I'd like to see any of the Premier leagues top players tackling the tour ....they wouldn't last a day...they fall down and roll about the ground at the slightest contact with each other....god knows how they'd react if they were in one of those road crashes that Rugby players .....theyre real men they would cope but theyre too heavy ....
It's unlikely that the footballers could ride the TDF, it's equally unlikey that the cyclists could play football like the footballers, do stop being such an idiot.


I wouldn't call 3 million per annum a pittance.. Plus personal sponsorship and endorsements. He loves cycling, and it might be a sufferfest but I suffer a little every time I am on the bike and I love it, you could argue it is part of the enjoyment.

Conversely Women's football suffers far less injury feigning than men's football so not sure why it should be termed wendyball as an insult. And I don't buy into all this sexism right on malarkey, after all I like podium girls.

i love the ze Podium lassies ...


In between here and there
i love the ze Podium lassies ...
Aaha, you see I think I like them for completely different reasons. It would just unhinge my old a traditionalised inferior male brain if some old fat bloke from corporate land was handing out the flowers. From my memory of every sport where podiums are abound I can only remember one incident which degenerated the tradition and that was one of my idols, I even laughed which made me feel worse. Step up Mr Sagan


Label Required
I'm pretty sure that footballers spend a good amount of time training, same as all sports persons, they don't really work for 90 minutes a week. I also expect that if a rugby player trained for a bike race they would more than likely do quite well. Comparing them is like comparing apples and eggs. I would say however that in terms of endurance, I would think cyclists must be up near the top, again though, that is down to their training.


Steady. I think it is a 'name' more to do with the propensity of soccer players to fall over at the merest touch, roll around in agony then spring up and launch their heads toward a ball, score a goal, slide on the turf with knees bent, be jumped upon by several team-mates, arise, swing shirt around in the air, make shapes with hands, legs etc and then nod head vigorously whilst pointing at his Club badge, grimacing in angry defiance toward the opposition support.
That's all.
As an aside, rugby union is oft thought of as 'kick and clap' by the rugby league fraternity. Thankfully, that is changing.


Bendy...but not broken.

great videos on this questions your honour....footballers are a bunch of cheating fairies....


Legendary Member
How many Tours de France did Wiggins win again...? :whistle:

As for nationality a LOT of sportsmen from the dominions have been knighted (mostly cricketers and rugby players).
One.How many world me medals on road and track has Froome won.

I wonder if we will ever see him riding the British road championships .

Don't get me wrong it is a tremendous. achievement to win two T D Fparticularly this last one with all the adverse publicity that he has had to endure and the physical assaults .


I'm pretty sure that footballers spend a good amount of time training, same as all sports persons, they don't really work for 90 minutes a week. I also expect that if a rugby player trained for a bike race they would more than likely do quite well. Comparing them is like comparing apples and eggs. I would say however that in terms of endurance, I would think cyclists must be up near the top, again though, that is down to their training.

My original post has went slightly off piste as posts tend to do on here....its what makes CC interesting for the end of the day I'd just like to say that Chris Froome is a really top nice bloke and a great ambassador for cycling and sport in did anyone see that little 8 year old lad with Cerebral Palsy on BBC breakfast he had just done a wee Triathlon ......what an inspiration :smile:


Lovely jubbly
What a load of old bollocks from a bitter and ill informed twerp, and if you don't think that the top tennis players are supreme athletes then you need to take a good look at yourself, better yet, take a good look at the top players in action.
Not sure calling someone a "twerp" is very handy for healthy debate. A lot of people feel the same way as Andy, who's to say you are right or wrong - it's all opinion.


Cracking a solo.
Not sure calling someone a "twerp" is very handy for healthy debate. A lot of people feel the same way as Andy, who's to say you are right or wrong - it's all opinion.
No it's not opinion, referring to football as wendyball is pathetic in the extreme, and has other less savoury connotations as has been pointed out by @User13710 and @coffeejo, suggesting that athletes in other sports have less prowess or less athletic ability purely because you don't particularly like the sport they are involved in is also pathetic and utterly twerpish, and if you think that the post I was replying to, the one which you liked, was adding to the "healthy debate" then you're sorely mistaken.
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