Signs of aging

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its got to be the never ending bush that started growing in my nose ???? :thumbsup:!followed by an intolerance for noise of any kind,
Then wanting to drive home from any part of Europe in one go so I can sleep in my own bed !
Lately I've found myself asking youngsters to speak more slowly on the phone :tongue: ....innit whatever


nothing in moderation
re the modern music; i thought the fact that i thought most modern music was shite and that even the good stuff had been done before, better, was me getting older. i've subsequently spoken to some bright young things who think the same…


The Velvet Curtain said:
When I see a girl in her early twenties wearing a short skirt, pert breasts and a perfect smile walking down the road with her mother - I look at the mother.

Yeah, but only to see if you've been caught out ogling her daughter!


Legendary Member
I'll be honest and say that the only signs I have seen have all been positive. I'm better looking, more confident, richer and more secure than ever in my life. I drive several better cars, go to better places and have people looking up to me for my opinions on stuff.

The best thing you can do is change your outlook and decide to be positive. You were born when you were born and unbelievably lucky to be born at all given the hundreds of billions of sperms your father produced and the chances of them fusing with that particular egg your mother produced to give birth to you. Given that's your starting point, what benefit do you get out of regretting it happened when it did and not more recently?


Legendary Member
Thats a good list that seems to say it mostly, but I would add getting them slippers with no back so its easier to put on than normal ones.;)

Night Train

Maker of Things
1 I have a small spattering of grey hairs
2 I have to trim my nose hair more often
3 Scanning around the channels on freeview and then settling on the news
4 Winching a tree yesterday with a hand winch and remembering that I bought that winch when I was customising cars and swaping engines...a quarter of a century ago!
5 Grown ups, with their own kids, are young enough to be my kid.
6 Texting in long hand and with proper grammar.
7 'Modern cars' are in the classic cars section of Ebay.
8 My reference library is older then some of my students.

On the plus side
I still get mistaken for being in my twenties.
I still run around like a hyperactive kid.
I can still do the splits.


Gerry Attrick said:
Is this the clincher? I've just joined CTC:laugh:

LOL pretty much! I'm the youngest in my group by about 30 years! The eldest is nearly 50 years older than me ;)


Über Member
Convincing yourself that grey hair looks DISTINGUISHED!

Ok, how many can relate to this? You bend over to tie your shoes, and look around to see what else you can do as long as you're down there!


Legendary Member
Can't be bothered to read back and see if anybody else has posted this but..... the worst consequence of ageing is the post-urination dribble. No matter how hard you shake it, wring its neck, beat it on the porcelain, a few CCs always wait up there and dribble out as you walk back to your desk or settle back down in bed. Horrible.


Legendary Member
The Velvet Curtain said:
When I see a girl in her early twenties wearing a short skirt, pert breasts and a perfect smile walking down the road with her mother - I look at the mother.

Me too, so there is at least 4 of us then 3 IN One.


A friend suggests that BBC radio listening preferences go in the following order: 1/4/2/4/dead


Legendary Member
User482 said:
A friend suggests that BBC radio listening preferences go in the following order: 1/4/2/4/dead

And what happens if like me, you don't listen to BBC radio at all?
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