Veho MUVI video review...that tiny tiny camera

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New Member
I feel somewhat cheeky having registered just to post in this thread, but this seems to be the most knowledgeable thread on these little devices. If it helps any, I do actually own a bike although it's currently at a mate's place after he snapped something off it. Hi all! I've been looking at getting one of these from RVOps (other places have it cheaper, but I'm somewhat loyal). Can these record when they're being charged via the mains charger (or an external USB battery pack)?

Did I read an earlier post correctly that said you can only record 30 minutes at a time, then it stops and you have to restart the process? On a tangent, what's the audio quality like when recording loud music? I'm also looking to use one at metal and dance gigs.

"RVOps" said:
Right I have just tried this for you two ways, the first being plugged into a computer, it will not record as changes the device to a portable USB drive. However if you plug it into a wall socket (just power) then it will happily record and charge.
Heh, and that is why I like RVOps, customer service is worth it's weight in lithium batteries. :thumbsup:


the tank engine
Nexy said:
I feel somewhat cheeky having registered just to post in this thread, but this seems to be the most knowledgeable thread on these little devices. If it helps any, I do actually own a bike although it's currently at a mate's place after he snapped something off it. Hi all! I've been looking at getting one of these from RVOps (other places have it cheaper, but I'm somewhat loyal). Can these record when they're being charged via the mains charger (or an external USB battery pack)?

Did I read an earlier post correctly that said you can only record 30 minutes at a time, then it stops and you have to restart the process? On a tangent, what's the audio quality like when recording loud music? I'm also looking to use one at metal and dance gigs.

Not sure about the recording while plugged in...I think it can be used as a webcam though.

The 30 minutes is correct, however, use it on VOX mode (voice activation) and assuming it hears something when it stops it will start recording again.

No idea what it would be like at metal/dance gigs :wahhey:


New Member
thomas said:
Not sure about the recording while plugged in...I think it can be used as a webcam though.

The 30 minutes is correct, however, use it on VOX mode (voice activation) and assuming it hears something when it stops it will start recording again.

No idea what it would be like at metal/dance gigs ;)
Thanks. :thumbsdown: Dave from RVOps suggests it autostarts recording the next file when not on VOX:
RVOps said:
After trying this, it will record for hours on charge, however it records in 30 minute segments. However if you leave it recording once its reached 30 minutes, it saves the file and starts recording to the next file.
Not exactly what I wanted to hear but so long as the gap between the recordings isn't more than a couple of seconds and it does it automatically, I think I'll give one a shot. I'll grab myself a couple of Arc Markers for the garden and a blood group patch and one of these. Add an 8GB Class 6 Transcend MicroSDHC for £15 and this should do what I'm after. I'll let y'all know how I get on.


the tank engine
It does not auto start. However, the gap is barely noticeable...use VOX mode.

Just think of it as a good way to make sure you get at least some footage...if it runs out of battery/you turn it off by mistake it won't save what you are currently recording.


New Member
RV Ops delivered on time and as ordered, just in time for the gig. The MUVI is good fun to play with, mine was sealed but had some charge in it so I presume the come pre-charged. I did this recording on Friday, it was a pretty good gig, InMe in TJ's. I'm not hugely impressed with the quality, but this wasn't ideal circumstances.

The light was low level and patchy, as well as being coloured. It was LOUD, I always wear earplugs to gigs nowadays, that is why. Understandably, audio is totally maxed out, the video is of relatively low quality but "good enough". This was (obviously) held in my hand above the head level of the crowd, fairly close to the front.

That's recording to a 2GB Jap Kingston borrowed from a flash cart, back in the day these were the fasted carts but I've not done any IO benchmarking so I've no idea how it compares to any SDHC class. There's another video on there taken at the gig with my point-n-shoot for comparison. Not sure how applicable these results will be to you guys, but I figured I'd post them anyway.

The MUVI is a whole lot smaller, lighter and easier to hold up than a normal digicam, I'll see if I can record the audio separately and mux it back together to give better results of concert footage. Overall, I'm pleased with the device and I look forward to having more fun with it. I think you will find it suits your needs if you're looking for something highly portable with roughly mobile phone quality. If you're going to stick it to your handlebars or helmet, you'll have a blast.


Well-Known Member
Got my camera last week and after a few days on the handle bars, managed to get it mounted on my helmet and captured this 'near death' experience this morning:

Just using a velcro cable tie at the moment. Is the proper helmet mount worth having? Does the little sleeve fit on the camera while its mounted?
You were obviously keeling over so he thought he would hurry the process along to get the business.


the tank engine
Coco said:
Got my camera last week and after a few days on the handle bars, managed to get it mounted on my helmet and captured this 'near death' experience this morning:

Just using a velcro cable tie at the moment. Is the proper helmet mount worth having? Does the little sleeve fit on the camera while its mounted?

The waterproof thing in the ESP? no. I was really annoyed about that..however, they are about to start selling a proper waterproof case, which is waterproof to 10 meters. I am hoping this will be compatible with the helmet mount...when the price comes down a bit I will probably get one.

I am glad I have the helmet mount that they supply. I think the pack is expensive for what it is, but worth it. If you can make something that does the job then that is fine too.

I'm glad I spent the £20 for the mount (and other attachments I will never use :tongue:).


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I've just ordered a MD80 version via ebay/hong kong - comes with various mounts and a silicon case. Also ordered a 4GB Class6 card from 7 day shop... total cost for that lot was £30

Planning on clipping it to the rucksack straps.


the tank engine
fossyant said:
I've just ordered a MD80 version via ebay/hong kong - comes with various mounts and a silicon case. Also ordered a 4GB Class6 card from 7 day shop... total cost for that lot was £30

Planning on clipping it to the rucksack straps.

Yeah. I heard that there are quite a lot of Veho Muvi style cameras on ebay (same internals - without the logo...and possibly VOX mode).

You can get some for about £6 (apparently). From what I have seen some don't have as good a lens!!


Handlebar test

This Muvi video was taken from my handlebars. I would have thought the road vibration would have been more noticeable. Overall I’m impressed with the results you can get from such a small camera. Handlebar Test.



Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
john59 said:
This Muvi video was taken from my handlebars. I would have thought the road vibration would have been more noticeable. Overall I’m impressed with the results you can get from such a small camera. Handlebar Test.


Looks like a fairly smooth bit of tarmac...
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