Why don't you post on Society, Culture & Politics?

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I'll do it somewhere else.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
It is like I said. I don't go into SC&P voluntarily, neither do most of the moderators.
That's interesting. I can perfectly understand why individuals don't want to engage in somewhere which can appear rude and forbidding, and can perfectly understand why discussion about politics isn't some people's cup of tea, but I'd have thought that given what you say it would be prudent who does regularly go into SC&P. I'm certainly not arguing for a special moderator for that bit of the forum, but a member of the mod team who regularly reads and contributes to one of the more active and fiery groups would probably help both the mod team and the regulars of SC&P.

Mods do not read each and every post on the site
It was this that prompted me to return to this post, several days later. Because it strikes me that apart from the threads started by people on my ignore list (very short now) I do read almost all of the posts on SC&P, and I suspect many of the regulars do.

Incidentally, I don't know what prompted me to click on one of the links I've never clicked on before, but I spotted this....

I'm glad to see that @Shaun likes making his pricklier customers feel special. Although I do notice that the price is slightly less keen than that of the other designs....

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
On a more cafe like note, where we are after all :biggrin: I was told today that football fora have similar subsections for arguing matters, even pet, gardening and diy areas.
They don't even have, a "what's the best football boot" nor "if I eat many bananas will I up my goal score" threads.
The person who related this to me, an avid football fan member of a few fora on the sport, said " there's only so much you can comment on a game, most topics have been done to death, sometimes I go there just to laugh at the arguments" :ohmy:


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
On a more cafe like note, where we are after all :biggrin: I was told today that football fora have similar subsections for arguing matters, even pet, gardening and diy areas.
They don't even have, a "what's the best football boot" nor "if I eat many bananas will I up my goal score" threads.
The person who related this to me, an avid football fan member of a few fora on the sport, said " there's only so much you can comment on a game, most topics have been done to death, sometimes I go there just to laugh at the arguments" :ohmy:

SC&P part of the forum is baby talk compared to the bile, nastiness and pure hatred that is spouted in some football forums.
I'm scared to post in it. It feels like a job interview for the worst job on the planet with the devil him (or her*)self presiding.

* I had to include that because it's the sort of thing people get dragged over the coals for in this place!
How very presumptious of you, and discrimatory, to assume the devil can only be either male or female



Far East Sussex
Speaking as someone who got raked over the coals for posting* in The Welcome Mat – The Welcome Mat – I haven't found SC&P to be uniquely thrilling.


* CC: 10 things great about you


I post in SC&P on occasion but not very often. For posters it's a place to have fun with conflict rather than a place to explore and resolve. It does hold interest for me though in the same way reality TV used to as it provides a fascinating insight into group dynamics, the inflexibility of entrenched beliefs, fuzzy thinking, ego laid bare, self delusion etc. These things were not so easy to observe before the growth of reality TV and internet forums.
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