100m Final.

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Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
Yes, the commentators must have used 'unbelievable' about 100 times.

In cycling, that's code for it being 'unbelievable'.


It just looked like the perfect athlete in peak form in perfect condition running the perfect race. Watching that, I think he could run 9.5. Seriously. He slowed down.

I too really, really hope it was all natural. You get the feeling it was, but who knows?


His stride length is remarkable and (I think) unique in the 100m - I think that goes a long way towards explaining his success - I too very much hope he's clean, too.

His compatriate Asafa Powell, meanwhile, reminds me of Roger Federer - someone who everyone thought was the special one and who was batted aside by a freakishly good invidual.


Secret Lemonade Drinker
I watched his semi-final run and I wasn't impressed.Hhe jogged the last 30m and did a 9.85ish run. I think he should have been right on it till the line and he'd have got a 9.5 at least.


Legendary Member
Perhaps he was saving the fast times so he can milk the circuit like Isinbayeva has been doing in the pole vault?
andrew_s said:
Perhaps he was saving the fast times so he can milk the circuit like Isinbayeva has been doing in the pole vault?

Very astute Andrew.

If you were told if you break the world record at "my" meet you'll get $250,000 would you run your a**e off now, or leave enough on the time you'll know you can take at least a tenth off? :sad:

I know which option I would take. :blush:
chatting at work about this after the race i raised the same point 'hope he isn't on drugs to do that' and somebody replied that he had been tested 30 something times in the lead up to the games and it was a wonder he actually had any blood left in his body!

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