13 miles in 48 minutes

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New Member
Southend, Essex
Well I just finished a 13 miles ride in 48 mins, whilst riding I was thinking about fluid intake. I just use water, whilst cycling distances what do you drink ? Is water enough, or should I start to take energy drinks ?


New Member
That's about the speed I commute to work.
Mine's 14 miles in 55 minutes.

Nothing. No water, no energy drinks, no breakfast, no energy bars; nowt.

Appetite suppressant on arival at work and a cup of coffee. Two hours later, eggs and sausages.



Lunatic Asylum Escapee
I have a deal with my local shop owner in that I buy a pack of six bottles of the Lucuzade sport energy drinks (none fizzy type) for £2.50p

Thats what I normaly use in my 2.5 ltr camel backpack as well as normal water in my cycle frame drinks bottle for longer trips ... few energy bars don't go a miss too :blush:



NormanD said:
I have a deal with my local shop owner in that I buy a pack of six bottles of the Lucuzade sport energy drinks (none fizzy type) for £2.50p

Thats what I normaly use in my 2.5 ltr camel backpack as well as normal water in my cycle frame drinks bottle for longer trips ... few energy bars don't go a miss too :blush:


Isn't that a bit OTT for a 13 mile cycle?


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
Im only a beginner ,my rides tend to be between 15 and 25 miles(Did one ride of 55miles).If I ride on an empty stomach I can feel my energy dropping after an hour but if I have eaten a meal or just a banana within an hour or two before the ride then no problem.

I only put water in the bottle.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
I wouldn't bother if I was out for less than an hour.

I do take water, as I don't like riding along feeling thirsty.

If I'm out for more than an hour, I tend to take a few jelly babies, and eat one or two every ten minutes or so after riding for an hour, depending on how I'm feeling.

(I should caveat that by saying that I've not done any ride over 50 miles/3 hours as yet).


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
I tend to take a couple of bottles on mid distance rides. Usually 1 with just water and 1 with some kind of weakish squash. May I recommend Asda Blackcurrant High Juice... remember, not too strong! :blush:


Squat Member
John the Monkey said:
I wouldn't bother if I was out for less than an hour.

This is my take on it too. I have only added a bottle and cage as the weather is hotter now and I'm going further than 30 miles justifies the fluid intake.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Garz said:
This is my take on it too. I have only added a bottle and cage as the weather is hotter now and I'm going further than 30 miles justifies the fluid intake.

I do always carry water though (unless I'm only popping to the shops).


New Member
I can currently cycle just over 19 mile in 1 hour and I will carry just a bottle of water for any distance under 20 miles. Generally, I will start carrying electrolyte drinks and maybe a cereal bars for longer rides of well over 2 hours, dependant on torrain as well.

My longest single ride so far has been a 132 mile trip from Manchester to Abersoch in Wales and on that hottish day, I drank about 3.5 litres of sports drinks and a few cups of coffee together with 4 ham sarnies, 2 flapjacks, 2 bananas, half a soreen loaf and a sausage and egg butty durring a lunch time stop.
I never bother with anything if I am out for up to an hour or so and rarely carry water unless I'm out for the day.
Myself I think it is more important to be hydrated before rather than de-hydrated after;)

With regard to any flavoured drinks, fizzy or still, I tend to feel sick at the thought of them so stick relidgiously to good old tap water:smile:


New Member
Always carry water (if only to wash flies out of my mouth) but wouldn't bother with much more unless I'm going out for more than 25 miles. Up to about 50 miles, I'd only take water, further than that it's energy drink, water and a snack of some sort.


New Member
Southend, Essex
I know when I did the the London to Southend Bikeathon in 2007 (Didn't do it last year because of a spinal fusion op) I total under estimated the amount of water/food that I would require.. I only took 1.5 litre of water.. :ohmy: and a couple of energy sweets. When I do it next year, I will be better prepared


darkfibre72 said:
I only took 1.5 litre of water.. :rolleyes:
This isn't the Sahara, you know. :angry: Water is available everywhere.

Even on 100+milers I only take a 750cc bottle, which I fill up from garage taps or if I have a cafe stop.
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