2 things you dislike (right now)

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That is not a cockney. Cockneys come from across the water.

True enough and I rarely venture south of the water myself, but I assume a keen ear from the southern side may be able to hear the tolling of Bow bells in the dead of night and in the spirit of inclusiveness.....


Legendary Member
Hmmmm. It's taken me 25 years to get to that stage. Are you sure you want to get married?

Next it will be her breathing. In and out... In and out... It never stops.


I was rudely awoken in the early hours yesterday by an angry voice: "Stop snoring!" Like a) I was doing it out of spite and b) I could stop if I just made an effort.

Chris S

Legendary Member
The binmen are on strike and the bins haven't been emptied for two weeks running. There's now a pemanent whiff of decomposing rubbish in the air. It reminds me of Barcelona.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Tour bus drivers after being stuck in a queue of 15 cars behind a tour bus on a single track road for 10 miles at a max speed of 25 to 30 mph.
Tourist car drivers and cyclists who will not use passing places on single track roads.


Legendary Member
Cockwomble Senior Managers.
Money dictating project timeline instead of clinical patient safety.
People who can't take the truth.


Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex
My father dying, even though it was eighteen months ago.
The fact that I'm rapidly approaching the end of the Metaxa he gave me.
And that I can't tell him how much I miss him. Nor can I count to 2 any longer!
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Legendary Member
Drivers who ignore zebra crossings.

Stickers on products that don't peel off cleanly but tear and leave most behind so you have to ease it off millimetre by millimetre with your fingernail and even when you've finally got it all off it's left behind a nasty gummy residue that you then have to clean off with an old rag dipped in some kind of solvent.
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