2008 your top cycling moment

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mr Mag00

rising member
Deepest Dorset
getting back on the bike after months of trying to sort out my health and then doing 3 hours a couple of months ago which 12 months ago was never on the cards.

Priscilla Parsley

New Member
getting my first road bike and subsequently becoming obsessed with cycling


Well-Known Member
Can't narrow it down to one, so here's my top 3........

Riding the Tour of Pembrokeshire with my pals (m'first sportive) which was a perfect course for me, lots of short, sharp climbs in stunning scenery, with gorgeous weather, expertly supported by Little Miss...

During the Dragon Ride, climbing the Bwlch mountain for the second time, heart rate bouncing between 95 and 100% for the best part of an hour, sweat dripping into, then out of my nose, but I didn't stop, I wasn't the slowest and
It would be churlish to fail to mention almost puking my twrch dyn up when I reached the top, however.......

Bringing Little Miss(my significant other) safely home on the Merlin Tour of Carmarthenshire, despite the finish moving an extra 9 miles away and the Black Mountain being the first mountain she ever climbed! Not the gentlest of starts to a sportive career.......
After two years of " Come on Marshmallow boy" and "Pull your weight. Oh you are, that's the problem, isn't it?" type comments from my commuting buddy Tim, I lost a stone, got the road bike back on the road, and toasted him over 7 miles. He then said "I never believed you used to be a triathlete until today!"


Legendary Member
near Hornsea
Admin said:
Riding 94 miles in a day (will try for the 100 this year maybe). ;)

There's a few in East Riding want to do 100 miles, so we'll have to plan a group ton next year :wacko:

My cycling highlight of the year was the first ride organised on here from Hull, & one clipless moment (not me I must add) at the traffic lights alongside a queue of traffic :blush:


This was the worst cycling year for me for a long time... I didn't do a single sportive, I barely scraped past a couple of thousand miles in total. However we did get our Bromptons which was great.


Über Member
dudi said:
My wife has been suffering from Chronic Fatigue syndrome for the last 7 years, and this year she got a job... it doesn't sound much, but it's a huge step for her, and I am really really proud.

As you should be. I was lucky to have this for only a year. It's hell. At times you think the rest of your life will be like this. But it won't. Don't give up hope. I'm now back cycling as normal

Best wishes


New Member
Marshalling in my home town on stage 2 of this years ToB, and Mrs M getting three of Bradley Wiggins's bidons thrown at her:laugh:


Started young, and still going.
Mine was doing several ton rides as well as topping 300 miles a week during the summer. Then my special treat was to be in Paris to watch the tour arrive. I was by the Louvre and the sight of the peloton coming down by the side of the river Seine was magnificent.


Flim Flormally
Top cycling moment of the year for me was my birthday present: a train ticket for the bike from Middelburg back home to Amersfoort.

Had told the other half I'd like to cycle over the Zeeland Bridge over the river Scheldt. Deferred the trip for a couple of months so I could enjoy the anticipation, and it didn't disappoint. Beautiful day (although with a head wind), rode the bridge in both directions and then went over the Delta works (like many other man-made constructs, it is said to be the only man-made construct you can see from the moon). 200 and something glorious kilometres -- one of the best birthday presents I've ever had and for just seven euros.

Next year I'm going to say I fancy pedalling over the Golden Gate Bridge.


My wife has just come out of the dark days of CFS, too (we jokingly refer to it as DFS). She started by doing voluntary work a couple of afternoons a week and ended the year being able to hold down a job in a shop nearby. 6 years to get to that stage, it's a horrible illness.

For me it was breaking my 2007 mileage by a bit but not as much as I wanted. I also did a 100 mile ride and next year plan to do a lot more epic riding but am not interested in sportives at all.

I have had my best ever year on the road this year, and have done things I have always wanted to do: lejog; the outer hebrides; lots of little weekend tours; about 10 imperial century rides

For me the best moment was the middle day of a 3 day tour taking in ardnamurchan, the isle of mull and morven. That day we rode 75 miles from tobermoray to fishnish and it was absolutely stunning at every point. We saw some golden eagles nesting, and lots of other amazing wildlife. We also didn't have a square meal all day because we were eating up the miles instead, and the accommodation experience that night was something else too - not to be forgotten. Just a fantastic, memorable tour.
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