2013 Cycling Goals

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Legendary Member
Now we are in the last month of the year, I'm thinking about my cycling goals for 2013.

1. Do the Century a Month Challenge

2. Have one "1000 mile" month

3. Have a bash at Cyclocross racing

4. Be a better mechanic at the end of the year than at the start (not hard)

5. Beat 50 mph on a bike

6. Beat previous best annual mileage of 5207

What are your goals??


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
-to still be accident free.
- to improve my yearly mileage.
- to ride to places I have not been before
- to do at least one 50 mile ride
- possibly to buy a second road bike,( finances and wife allowing!)
but most of all, to remain healthy and fairly fit.

tug benson

Survived the Tour O the borders 2013
Get my first century ride

I want to cycle coast to coast, just needs to pick the best roads in Scotland for it

Have my average speed about 17 MPH on my bigger rides

And when i lose a bit more weight i want to get myself closer to the top opf the leader board on all the local climbs on strava

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
To be accident free. To maintain my average speed(although on my new bike it's dropped by 1mph i'm not bothered as it's caused by having mudguards :rolleyes:). To have a go on a tandem would be nice as well.:thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
Hi ya martin
Those are some tough goals :eek:
Top 50 mph My best is 45 and by christ was I pedalling some

My goals for the year are

1) To beat my TT pb which is 25:55 hopng to get a 23:59 or better
2) Take part in a crit race and not get dropped by the cat 4s
3) My mileage is up to 3285 this year so far so would like to get that up to 4000 plus in 2013
4) My biggest ride has been 60 miles so would like to break the century atleast once
5) T get out more with performance cycles on their sat morning training rides and not get dropped
6) lose some of the weight I have put back on since packing in smoking

Hopefully come back to this in 12 months time and be able to put a tick next to all of them :bicycle:

Nearly there

Do the c2c route in a day:ohmy:or maybe two;) have a crack at Hardknott pass continue to get fitter do a sportive or two and climb those strava tables:whistle:


Legendary Member
Nothing very adventurous I'm afraid.

I am currently rapidly losing fitness due to horrible icy roads and freezing temperatures so just want to pick things up again in the spring and stay safe, fit and healthy basically.

If I can increase mileage and fitness a bit wouldn't mind trying a shortish sportive just for fun.


Proud Daddy
3 sportives
5000 miles
To race (road) for the first time. I don't worry about how well I do in that
Get my FTP to 300w (currently about 245)
To manage to do this with a new born daughter (due January)
Not to murder anyone at work


Active Member
1. Join a club
2. Try sportive
3. Complete a 100mi ride
4. Have a week long tour somewhere


Sunny Suffolk
4,000 miles for the year.
To average over 20mph on rides a little more often and over longer distances.
A few more 100+ mile rides, managed three this year.
Continue to improve and enjoy.
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