2013 Cycling Goals

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Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Cycle in a foreign land (only done Wales, so far :tongue: ). Check
Perhaps cycle an Alpine pass - maybe Stelvio? Fail - did the Pyrenees but nowt super famous
Sub 24 min 10 mile TT. Fail - only rode one but shot a 24:08 so not too shabby
Race and finish in the points. Check and Fail
Improve PBs by 30 secs, on Box Hill & Ditchling. Fail (24 secs improvement on Box) & Fail (2 secs on the Beacon)

Summary: C+ Could do better


Legendary Member
I think you're being a touch harsh on yourself SD. I'm thinking a B :smile:


1. beat this years total of 1736 (should be easy as only really started cycling in the summer)
2. get below 15 stone. (current weight 16st 8, weight loss this year 1 st)
3. get under 26 mins for a 10mile tt (best time this year 27min 47sec)
4. complete a 100 mile ride (best this year was 60)

numbers 1 3 and 4 smashed with a total milage over 4k, 10 mile TT at 22.51 and imperial mile in the bag
regarding 2 i did get under 15 stone in late summer/autumn but will be entering 2014 closer to 16
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