2013 Cycling Goals

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
An further update on my 2013 cycling goals. How are yours going?

Oh yes - I forgot about LEL. Here are my updated goals:
  1. To ride my bike again!
  2. Not die trying.
  3. Not get scarily close to dying either! :thumbsup:
  4. Don't even think about riding LEL 2013!
  5. Enjoy reading about other mad people's riders' LEL 2013! :laugh:
  1. Done!
  2. So far, so good!
  3. Well, er, I did black out on a ride and find out that I was ill again, but it wasn't quite so scary the second time round!
  4. Done!
  5. I'm still waiting for the LEL reports!
  6. BONUS GOAL #1: I'm already back on my gym bike but will leave the road bike alone for a month. My MTB needs its brakes fixing and once that is done I will tootle along the local canal towpath and Calder Valley cycleway until I am confident that my clots are back under control.
  7. BONUS GOAL #2: Keep losing weight ready for my forum ride comeback. I'm below 14 stone now, about 38 pounds lighter than when I got ill last year and the weight is gradually melting away courtesy of my 5:2 fasting regime and 11 months off the beer. Another 25 pounds should do it!


Legendary Member
My 2013 goals:
1: To put in a 500km month
2: To ride more than 200km in a winter month (my new winter bike with mudguards should help with that!)
3: To cycle a circuit from Kirkstall Abbey, Ilkley, Otley, Kirkstall Abbey
4: To stop hemorrhaging money on cycling kit!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Bloody hard work. Well done.
I do miss the beer, but it wouldn't be a good idea for me to be knocking back the pints while I am this fragile!

It has saved me a lot of money, and I feel (and look) much better for the weight loss. When I first got back on my bike, I could feel it straight away as soon as I started to go up any kind of slope. I felt very unfit and slow, but I didn't feel that extra weight dragging me back downhill.
Another update.
  1. Jan 5th. Get a place for the LEL! (fingers crossed).
  2. Pre July - an SR. I've done a 200 and 400, did not finish a 600 but learnt a lot. Couldn't do the 300 due to a job interview.
  3. Spring. N+1 audax bike A shiney red Hewitt Chiltern. Very nice.
  4. April. First FNRttC York to Hull. A fine ride.
  5. June/July. Boys weekend S2S (Whitehaven to Sunderland). Got the boys w/end beer cycle crawl 100 miler this weekend.
  6. July/Aug. LEL. :wahhey:
  7. Jan-Dec. Imperial century a month. Jan, Feb, March, April, May, June, July and August centuries done.
  8. After August. Lighten up on the cycling a bit! Looks like i'm going to fail on this. Need to do a 300 and 600 to complete the SR. Going to be cycling hard and far while I can. Maybe lighten up for the winter?


Über Member
I met my 2013 cycling goal on Sunday. I completed the RideLondon 100.



Legendary Member
Now we are in the last month of the year, I'm thinking about my cycling goals for 2013.

1. Do the Century a Month Challenge

2. Have one "1000 mile" month

3. Have a bash at Cyclocross racing

4. Be a better mechanic at the end of the year than at the start (not hard)

5. Beat 50 mph on a bike

6. Beat previous best annual mileage of 5207

What are your goals??

Well, just about time to take stock.

1. I managed the Imperial Century a month challenge - good stuff
2. I didn't make a 1000 mile month
3. I love my Cyclocross bike, but didn't do any cyclocross racing
4. Probably a tiny bit better at mechanics than at the start of the year
5. I beat 50 mph a few times this year, the best being coming down from the Col de Glandon :smile:
6. I beat my best annual mileage of 5,207. I'm on 5,561 and will probably do a few more. I've also done 560 turbo miles so far.

So not bad overall - hows about the rest of you?
  1. Jan 5th. Get a place for the LEL! (fingers crossed).
  2. Completed an SR by end of season
  3. Spring. N+1 audax bike A shiney red Hewitt Chiltern. Very nice.
  4. April. First FNRttC York to Hull. A fine ride.
  5. June/July. Boys weekend S2S (Whitehaven to Sunderland). Got the boys w/end beer cycle crawl 100 miler this weekend.
  6. July/Aug. LEL.
  7. Jan-Dec. Imperial century a month. Jan, Feb, March, April, May, June, July and August centuries done. Failed. Dropped out in October due to illness. There's always 2014 though!
  8. After August. Lighten up on the cycling a bit! (Well, September anyway).


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
2012 10801 miles
2013 10786 miles

I was successful in my cycling goal...............just..
BUT....there is still a few days to go....I must not............I must resist.......
I would also have to nip out for a ride round the block.....
What was the main reason for wanting to cycle less ?
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