2017 Mileage so far?

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N Ireland
242 miles for January, all commuting. Not massive but 242 more miles than I did last January.

I have only been on the hybrid so far, must get the road bike fixed up and back in service.

Target is to double my mileage from last year. 6864 miles to go...

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
At a quick glance @mangid has the highest with an average of 55 miles per day. Curious as to how that came about? Commuting? Unemployed/retired?

Chapeau either way


Currently sat on 234 miles, which makes it my best January ever. Okay, I've only got proper records going back to 2013, but previous to that, I rarely got out on my bike during the winter and even on the rare occasions when I did, I know my monthly total wouldn't have managed three figures.


At a quick glance @mangid has the highest with an average of 55 miles per day. Curious as to how that came about? Commuting? Unemployed/retired?

Chapeau either way


Live 2 miles from work, desk job, hit 17.5stone @30 so started cycling, and the morning distance has just increased, gives me thinking/relaxation time. That and longer rides in the morning at the weekend. Do get up at stupid O'Clock though.


N Ireland

Live 2 miles from work, desk job, hit 17.5stone @30 so started cycling, and the morning distance has just increased, gives me thinking/relaxation time. That and longer rides in the morning at the weekend. Do get up at stupid O'Clock though.

You have done 1,729 miles living 2 miles from work and a few longer rides at the weekends?! Either you nip back and forward to work constantly throughout the day or you're doing mammoth rides on a weekend. Either way, that's some incredible mileage. At that rate you'll be nearing 21,000 miles this year.
You have done 1,729 miles living 2 miles from work and a few longer rides at the weekends?! Either you nip back and forward to work constantly throughout the day or you're doing mammoth rides on a weekend. Either way, that's some incredible mileage. At that rate you'll be nearing 21,000 miles this year.
Unbelievable mileage. Chapeau.


You have done 1,729 miles living 2 miles from work and a few longer rides at the weekends?! Either you nip back and forward to work constantly throughout the day or you're doing mammoth rides on a weekend. Either way, that's some incredible mileage. At that rate you'll be nearing 21,000 miles this year.

Most commutes in at this time of the year are a 37mile loop ;-) on what are now very familiar roads. The ride home tends to vary, and is seldom more than 15, need to get home to cook dinner for the family.


Not to sure?
1,135 miles for January :bicycle:
Most commutes in at this time of the year are a 37mile loop ;-) on what are now very familiar roads. The ride home tends to vary, and is seldom more than 15, need to get home to cook dinner for the family.
I guess Mr. Geppetto gets hungry, whilst you're on the quest to find La Fata dai Capelli Turchini.


Legendary Member
NE England
Zero miles for me. The fact that I've had two bad chest infections in a row has put paid to January mileage! Hopefully I'll be out a little later this month.
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