20mph Speed Limits

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Senior Member
If you've any experience driving then you'll understand that many speed limits are now set not on technical grounds, but on political grounds.

I never said that politicians set speed limits



I did say that I don't share their experience or qualifications. Did you miss that? Perhaps it was hidden under the froth of indignation which appears to be dribbling down your monitor.

I know of at least one road local to me where the speed limit was reduced by 20mph for no other reason than the rules on setting speed limits changed, allowing the highways agency to look at the road's average speed, and not it's 85th percentile speed. The change had nothing to do with safety, being made on what is a remarkably safe road.

Of course increased speed will make any accident more serious, I don't disagree with you there. What I disagree with is the government's emphasis on reducing speed as a way of making the roads safer, instead of improving driving standards.

Just to make the point, I believe that there are nowhere near enough traffic police on duty on our roads. I'd support many thousands more. And while I'm on the subject, most traffic police will not prosecute for minor infringements of the speed limit. My experience tells me that most motorway cops, for instance, are more interested in those people who don't notice the huge white Volvo that's been behind them the last 30 seconds while they've been doing 90mph in the outside lane.

I have not, do not, and never will excuse dangerous driving. Please do me a favour, don't ever try to suggest that I do.

Can you not put my name to lengthy quotes I didn't make - ben did.

I thought your observational skills were excellant.


Lover of things that come in 3's
Just a quick question: How are we going to enforce this speed limit?

That's the easy bit, inbuilt black box limiter for every car, manadatory on new builds and retrofit on old. Each speed sign that denotes a speed limit change also has a transmitter sending that data to your car. Overlay this with satnav tech as a backup/over ride, just think, a stop signal could be transmitted by a police car to a fleeing car.

Cost for this is funded by taxpayers, car users and the insurance industry.


Lover of things that come in 3's
[QUOTE 1554885"]
Which will never happen, because too many political decisions are made on road policy.

I'm not convinced, we've already got time limitations for HGV drivers and reduced insurance premiums for young drivers prepared to install certain technology. It's not a big step from where we are now.


Lover of things that come in 3's
[QUOTE 1554887"]
I hope you're right, but don't forget all the War on Motorists nonsense.

true, and I'm more hopeful than certain, but I do know I'd jump at the opportunity for my car.


true, and I'm more hopeful than certain, but I do know I'd jump at the opportunity for my car.

The carrot and stick approach as already mentioned is the most likely route - you get cheaper insurance if you install the kit. That will soon see it in the majority of insured cars. Now, of course the sorts of drivers that put this kit in are the ones arguably less likely to break the speed limits. However, once you get more than 50% of the cars with this stuff in, it's a much easier decision to make it compulsory.

I think we'll have it within ten years. Question is, how long til we have self-driving cars? Google are already test-driving a prototype.


Lover of things that come in 3's
The carrot and stick approach as already mentioned is the most likely route - you get cheaper insurance if you install the kit. That will soon see it in the majority of insured cars. Now, of course the sorts of drivers that put this kit in are the ones arguably less likely to break the speed limits. However, once you get more than 50% of the cars with this stuff in, it's a much easier decision to make it compulsory.

I think we'll have it within ten years. Question is, how long til we have self-driving cars? Google are already test-driving a prototype.

No idea but there will be a place in history for the first accident victim of a self drive car


Legendary Member
I've not read all the posts so might have been covered already, but to the OP, how will they enforce this as many bikes don't have speedometers?
The carrot and stick approach as already mentioned is the most likely route - you get cheaper insurance if you install the kit. That will soon see it in the majority of insured cars. Now, of course the sorts of drivers that put this kit in are the ones arguably less likely to break the speed limits. However, once you get more than 50% of the cars with this stuff in, it's a much easier decision to make it compulsory.

I think we'll have it within ten years. Question is, how long til we have self-driving cars? Google are already test-driving a prototype.

What is this kit that reduces insurance premiums?

Seriously, my insurance premium is absoultely extortionate, I'm 25 with full no claims discount and no points living in a grade C area.

Even the smallest engined cars are expensive to insure.
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