705 query

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berty bassett

Legendary Member
now the nights have dropped in i am back on the turbo a couple of times a week - i have done this for couple of years and thought i just used a computer wired to back wheel and forget about garmin 705 . now i have just learnt that somehow there is a way to use 705 on the turbo - so the question has to be does anyone know how to do this , at the minute i just have the unit and a heart monitor . if anyone can help i will be most grateful


Oaf on a Bike
I guess youd need one of these to measure what youre doing on the bike http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000BFNO...de=asn&creative=22206&creativeASIN=B000BFNOT8

Gary E

Even if you don't turn the GPS off the unit will default to the sensor as soon as it detects it. Basically it only works speed out using GPS if it can't pick up a wheel sensor.


I used to use my bike with a Garmin 705 near the bedroom window. When I downloaded the session, I often got a weird trace of where I had been, proving that the GPS is not perfect but allows a degree of error as I presumably cycled around my flat for an hour.
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