Sat waiting at traffic lights (on the upright, nopt the bent), car in front puts car into reverse and shunts back into me ( a deliberate reverse, slow and far enoguh distance for me to get mostly out of the way, and not to be just a wrong gear selection), I hop to the side so his bumper just shoves my rear pannier bag.
I shout, he stops, I go around him and sit in front in primary, as there is obviously a reason for him reversing and he wants to go back/turn around/not go through the junction, right?
Lights change, I go, so does he following behind
"What WAS all that about?" - rigid look straight ahead, ignore cyclist pretend he's not there
As one of Paul Whitehouse' characters might say - "how queer"
Automatic transition, thought they were in neutral and just didn’t pay attention as they took their foot off the brake?