A first!

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New Member
Hi Everyone.
I started commuting to work yesterday, and today, I had my first randomly irate driver. About 200 yds from my house, there is a section of road that has traffic calming (ha!) islands, and red cycle path marked out. Minding my own business on a super quiet road at 7am, some woman came up behind me and honked! Bizarre.

Anyway, i got a smirk in when she almost immediately got stopped at a red light after that!

Helen :biggrin:

Sig SilverPrinter

Senior Member
In the dark
well done on the commuting.
I hate when that happens.Woman did that to me and i nearly fell off my bike.
When i caught up with her at traffic lights and asked her why she did it she said i wasn't close enough to the kerb so couldn't get past me with traffic coming the other way!!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Well done on the commuting - had this from some witch last year - main road, but narrow - woman beeped cos she couldn't get past, I just looked round, gave the 'what' hand gesture, then I slowed down.....


Failed Tech Bro
Had my first 'honker' in years last night while out on an evening mash with a mate. We were two abreast, but the road is a single lane with passing places so even when we lined up there still wasn't any room for the lady in the volvo (why is it always f%cking Volvos with me!!!) to pass. I refrained from any colourful language but scowled-up proper at her.


welcome helsbells.
Are you sure it wasn't one of your mates that you didn't recognise?

sticky sherbert

Well-Known Member
I had my first agro on the road today! a bus driver obviously agrieved by the fact that I chose to join the road in front of him when he was only 400 yards away and setting off from a stop, decided to overtake as close as he possibly could without forcing me off the road.
He got the finger and his boss has just had an e-mail with a stern but polite request for an apology


New Member
Got honked at yesterday. Waited at a red light, light changed, turned left, immediately in front of me a car had stopped waiting at another red light that was, unusually, out of synch with the others, with pedestrians crossing in front. I had no option but to wait, which is fair enough, but of course the taxi behind me didn't see it that way, honked, honked again, I looked around, he was gesturing that I should move aside for him. Naturally, I ignored him.

Impatience, its really that simple.


New Member
'why is it always f%cking Volvos with me!!!'

you know how Volvo's have that sloping bar on the grille? - someone once told me that's the same as the Heraldic device (part of the coat of arms) for a child of unmarried parents...


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
HLaB said:
Not cycling related but I'm amazed at the impatience of some drivers, for instance when there sitting 2nd in a slight queue at traffic lights and they are about to go green (still on amber) and they start honking the car in front.

Yeah, it's funny isn't it, how many people think Amber before Green means Go! but don't seem to think Amber before Red means Stop. Which it does.


Senior Member
Arch said:
<snip>..but don't seem to think Amber before Red means Stop. Which it does.
I once stopped at an amber (it had been amber for a second of so, and there was right turning traffic coming the other way). A second or so later I was shunted by a WVM. I turned (wearily) to him and asked what he thought he was doing. "You're supposed to keep going!!" he told me.

I give up.



Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
tdr1nka said:
I always smile to myself when I hear an impatient honk behind me and imagine the car is being driven by a goose!:tongue:

They've only got short legs, they'd never reach the pedals...:laugh::sad:
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