A first!

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New Member
Well, sort of glad to see it's not just me. Not so glad that it happens so much!

And I suspect that she wasn't hoping to chat me up, because as I'm sure the unfortunate few who have seen me pre-seven AM and pre-shower can testify, it's not a pretty sight. Think 28 days later...

er... would like to add that I *do* shower once I get to work!
helsbells said:
Hi Everyone.
I started commuting to work yesterday, and today, I had my first randomly irate driver. About 200 yds from my house, there is a section of road that has traffic calming (ha!) islands, and red cycle path marked out. Minding my own business on a super quiet road at 7am, some woman came up behind me and honked! Bizarre.

Anyway, i got a smirk in when she almost immediately got stopped at a red light after that!

Helen :laugh:
Probably just jealous that you have a better arse than she does. :biggrin:

Welcome to the forum and keep up the commute!


sticky sherbert said:
I had my first agro on the road today! a bus driver obviously agrieved by the fact that I chose to join the road in front of him when he was only 400 yards away and setting off from a stop, decided to overtake as close as he possibly could without forcing me off the road.
He got the finger and his boss has just had an e-mail with a stern but polite request for an apology

I'd like to know the outcome on this Stick's ! :biggrin:

sticky sherbert

Well-Known Member
yenrod said:
I'd like to know the outcome on this Stick's ! :angry:

Well no apology as such but I did get a reply that said something like
"We express our regret at the incident that you say took place and will discuss the issue with the relevant driver" :angry:

About as much as I expected
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