A medium sized dustbinful of urine

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Norven Mankey
I read somewhere that the chlorine smell isn't actually chlorine, which is odourless. It is the smell caused by the interaction (reaction?) of the chlorine and the urine. Is this true? Unsurprisingly I've never been in a chlorinated pool that doesn't have the characteristic chlorine/pee smell

Tin Pot


It is indeed traditional to piss yourself during competition, especially so in the wetsuit - but as wetsuits are not allowed in pools you can safely say it's not us.

HTH :smile:
75L in an 830,000L
That's 2 drops per litre. Pah!

Thanks guys, I have 2 hours to get this out of my head.
Good luck with that. Years ago I heard of a urine fetishist who wanted women to drink his pee. If he saw a woman stop at a coffee shop, head go over and "top up" her water bottle. I still don't like leaving mine attached to an unattended bike.
(reaction?) of the chlorine and the urine. Is this true?
No, it's not true. Smell a bottle of bleach.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
I read somewhere that the chlorine smell isn't actually chlorine, which is odourless. It is the smell caused by the interaction (reaction?) of the chlorine and the urine. Is this true?
:eek: Did you never sniff chlorine at school? Stick two electrodes in brine, collect the gases that come off (we used test tubes at school but shot glasses are more common at home): the negative one lights with a pop (hydrogen, from the H2O), the other smells funny (chlorine, slightly poisonous so don't inhale too much).


Heavy Metal Fan
Interesting. I wonder if anyone has done a similar thing with sea water, and measured parts of fish urine per 830000 L of sea water? That would probably worry me more. Have you ever accidentally left a seawater soaked towel anywhere, left it for a few days and then smelled it? I know that's not all urine, but all the same....


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
If the water's turning purple when you pee in it, you need to see a doctor.
Unless you've eaten much beetroot.


I read somewhere that the chlorine smell isn't actually chlorine, which is odourless. It is the smell caused by the interaction (reaction?) of the chlorine and the urine. Is this true? Unsurprisingly I've never been in a chlorinated pool that doesn't have the characteristic chlorine/pee smell

Chlorine smells like bleach, as others have said, until its mixed with what's in the pool, then you get the 'chlorine' smell most of us associate with swimming pools.

In a previous life I did a pool plant course, and learnt how to test and treat the water used in pools and I'm far most concerned about how well kept the showers are than the pool water quality which was, by law regularly checked at random by an external organisation.
Chlorine smells like bleach, as others have said, until its mixed with what's in the pool, then you get the 'chlorine' smell most of us associate with swimming pools.
I guess my nose isn't that sensitive. Pools smell like bleach (and occasionally tapwater) to me.

Ammonia and chlorine combine to produce chloramine gas, which is a chemical weapon. Maybe it's time to make public pools salt water.


I guess my nose isn't that sensitive. Pools smell like bleach (and occasionally tapwater) to me.

Ammonia and chlorine combine to produce chloramine gas, which is a chemical weapon. Maybe it's time to make public pools salt water.

No arguing it's dangerous stuff. Scared the poop out of me when I was using it
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