Accie's fake Rolex.

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
It looks quite nice and if you cant fit a T bar I dont think the bloke on the bus station would fleece you for doing the honours seems quite in keeping in line with the short search I did and would certainly bring some shine to the waistcoat

I'm off to Accy this morn'. I'll ask him. If he can I'll save myself about 500 quid not having to buy another chain and that chain in the pic' will eventually get some use. :okay:
I think that looks quite nice, actually, even though it's not a traditional Albert chain. The tone looks like it matches the case of the watch really well. If the chain is too long, you could always ask a jeweller to split a link open and re-size it for you.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
The flat cut links are a good hint that the items are from different eras but that doesn’t matter. It’s certainly sturdy enough and the cut of the links helps them reflect the light better so is in keeping with your desire for some bling.

Get a T bar, wear it and enjoy.

I think that looks quite nice, actually, even though it's not a traditional Albert chain. The tone looks like it matches the case of the watch really well. If the chain is too long, you could always ask a jeweller to split a link open and re-size it for you.
I asked the goldsmith/watch mender friend about fitting a T-bar. He said he'd do it for a small fee, but if it needs a ring he'd have to make one costing me £25. He said a rolled gold or silver T-bar would be ok as they wouldn't mark the watch as with a ring they wouldn't the bar wouldn't be touching the watch, though obviously a 9 carat bar would look better, but it'll be out of sight so maybe silver be would be fine. Gold ones are about £100, silver ones about £15. He weighed that chain I have. It's 63 grams and scrap value it's worth £2,268. To buy the chain if new in a shop would cost £7,182. Heck, that's a lot more than I thought it'd be worth. He said I could wear it as a double chain, or he could put the T-bar in the middle and i'd then have a double Albert. He also asked me how much I'd paid for the watch. When I told him he was surprised and said if he was selling it he'd be asking about £1,700 to maybe even £2,000 if he were to polish it up. He also advised getting the watch and chain insured and advised me to seriously not wear it in places like Accrington town centre. I also asked about that slight time loss problem. When he looked at the watch and wound it up he said I hadn't been winding it up enough, probably fearing I'd over wind it and damage something. He wound it fully and since then it's kept perfect time. He also said the crystal was loose and could fall out, so he glued it in, using a nail bar heater to speed up the drying process. He didn't charge me for it as well.
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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
The goldsmith told me about a bloke the other day who'd brought a 'Rolex' in to seek confirmation it was genuine. He said I asked how much He'd paid for it and where he'd bought it. The buyer said £6,000 and he'd bought it off a friend's mate. He told me he told him to sit down before he told him the result of giving the watch the once over. He then said I told him it's a fake, probably worth about 100 quid! The bloke went white and didn't say much apart from "ah well, you win some, you lose some", then thanked my friend for checking it over and walked out. So there we are. My neighbour got ripped off for £237, but eventually got her money back. Could the buyer of the £6,000 fake Rolex get his money back? Probably not as he said he paid cash in hand for it. So he won't be getting any help from his bank (if he has one) as he doesn't have any proof of a money transaction. I suppose he's now looking for the mate's mate who sold the thing to him!!

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Given both the watch and chain are gold I, personally, would go for a gold T bar. I know it’s likely unseen but that is not the point to me.

Yes, fair point! I've saved myself a fair amount by not buying another chain, so a 100 quid T-bar is a small amount to pay considering. I could go second hand, but I've asked today in a few places that wheel and deal in gold, antiques etc and none had one. Maybe it'd be best to buy new and not second hand. I'm very wary now after my neighbour's dodgy Rolex website experience. I could buy a second hand, 9 carat T-bar and end up with brass or gold plate! :rolleyes:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
There's this one here, but it's only 28mm. Goldsmith friend says I need a 30mm one. Surely 2mm's less will do?🤔
There's this one here, but it's only 28mm. Goldsmith friend says I need a 30mm one. Surely 2mm's less will do?🤔
View attachment 697688

Mine are only 28mm and work for my use. It does depend on the size on buttonhole you will be putting it through. Why not mock something up, with a straw for example, and see if it will work for you.
The goldsmith told me about a bloke the other day who'd brought a 'Rolex' in to seek confirmation it was genuine. He said I asked how much He'd paid for it and where he'd bought it. The buyer said £6,000 and he'd bought it off a friend's mate. He told me he told him to sit down before he told him the result of giving the watch the once over. He then said I told him it's a fake, probably worth about 100 quid! The bloke went white and didn't say much apart from "ah well, you win some, you lose some", then thanked my friend for checking it over and walked out. So there we are. My neighbour got ripped off for £237, but eventually got her money back. Could the buyer of the £6,000 fake Rolex get his money back? Probably not as he said he paid cash in hand for it. So he won't be getting any help from his bank (if he has one) as he doesn't have any proof of a money transaction. I suppose he's now looking for the mate's mate who sold the thing to him!!

This is exactly *WHY* you do your homework BEFORE making a purchase. The Rolex market is stupid crazy right now, which makes it a mecca for peddlers of fakes. Though some fakes are SO good that it's almost impossible to tell - unless you *really* know your onions.

The fella should have got it appraised prior to handing over the readies.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
This is exactly *WHY* you do your homework BEFORE making a purchase. The Rolex market is stupid crazy right now, which makes it a mecca for peddlers of fakes. Though some fakes are SO good that it's almost impossible to tell - unless you *really* know your onions.

The fella should have got it appraised prior to handing over the readies.

He said the buyer of the not a Rolex is a member of the travelling community. He knows as he's done work for him before on what he described as very expensive jewelry. He told me the one ripped off has one chain worth about £35,000 in today's gold prices. The buyer probably bought it off another traveler, thinking the seller wouldn't break their supposed code of honour between traveler families and thought getting it checked out before buying it wasn't neccessary.🤷‍♂️

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I remember now, I was in the shop one day when he was working on one of his chains. I picked it up. Heck, I thought that one of mine was big and blingy, but the one he was working on wasn't much smaller than this one below!!!:ohmy:


I think he told me it was 18 carat. To me that is just too blingy by far!!!:laugh: :rolleyes:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
There's bling, and then there's bad taste.

The latter is just not cricket. :thumbsdown:
How much gold is out there to keep making such things? Yes I know they melt old gold stuff down, but even so. I heard a bloke on the radio the other year who said there's only enough gold in the whole world to fill three Olympic sized swimming pools! 🤔

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Mine are only 28mm and work for my use. It does depend on the size on buttonhole you will be putting it through. Why not mock something up, with a straw for example, and see if it will work for you.

I don't want to end up with one that's too wide to fit through a button hole. I think there are some that have springs in, so you can push them in with finger and thumb if the bar is too wide for the button hole.🤔
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