Admiralty Arch - Trafalgar Square London

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New Member
Just riding up from The Mall underneath Admiralty arch this morning and noticed new cycle lane markings? Anyone else on this route notice these?

I rode through earlier this morning so with less traffic around so could have been around for a while and may have only noticed this morning.

The changes look good, it looks like there is more room for cyclists in what has always been an abused cycle lane by cars. Will be interesting to see what its like at normal peak hour traffic.


Well-Known Member
It was done a few months ago. I rode through it this morning and it drove me nuts.

I'm sure the planners put that lane in, expecting the motorised traffic to restrict to one lane. Unfortunately, they don't and most of the time, they encroach on the cycle lane.

Also, it's badly abused by motorcycles who then filter up the left into the Advanced Stop Box, taking all our space.

It's better than it used to be, but really needs to be either fenced, kerbed or segregated properly, with specific signage and enforcement for both the "cycle" lane and the ASL/box.


little by little I see improvements to cycle lanes/markings

there's a newish stretch heading east past Walthamstow Town Hall that's outright grand, any lane leaves only one lane for cars so they're done the right thing for once and really gone to town, it's like a runway


New Member
Ah so it was done a while ago, just never been through there with so little traffic to notice in the past.

Yes it is quite frustrating coming through there in the mornings only to find cars stationary sitting in the cycle lane. Why they do this no one knows. The only satisfaction is knowing that you'll be through the next set of lights as they sit there for another 2-3 light changes.

I also love the motorcyclists who know they are not allowed to go up the filter lane but sit at the entrance to the filter lane blocking cyclists from entering the filter lane. They then just sit there ignoring you when you ask kindly if you can go past... That's a favourite of mine.

It would be good to see something done about it, perhaps permanent segregation just at the point where all the traffic goes through the archway. Given that the lights don't last that long there reducing the flow to one lane of motorised traffic through there wouldn't cause too much hassle.


Senior Member
SE London
I go through (or should I say try to go through!) there in the evenings, 9 times out of 10 it is blocked by 2 lanes of cars. I usually end up mounting the pavement and going through the small pedestrian arch - bit naughty but when cars are blocking a designated cycle lane with a solid white line, it becomes very frustrating - maybe they should paint it green.


Yep, I have to do that journey once a week. I think they should make the cycle lane wider so that it's obvious there should only be one lane of cars.

I've also learnt to avoid the massive pothole in the Strand which I rode into on the very first day on my bike!


Legendary Member
On the east bound side, just before the Savoy ? That has been there for months. ;)


Nah, I looked at that site and it has been reported loads of times. Apparently it keeps getting filled in but then it just opens up again when the buses roll over it (not sure how!)


New Member
Went through the Arch the other morning in the rush hour and all the motorbikes that would normally ride up the cycle lane were blocked from doing so by a police motorcyclist who obediently stayed out of the lane. Brilliant.

Motorbikes and millions of scooters in bike/bus lanes is getting really awful now. There's been an explosion of motorbike use since congestion charging and after the Muslims blew up bits of London in July 05 with people not wanting to get back on the tube.


Well-Known Member
LOGAN 5 said:
charging and after the Muslims blew up bits of London in July 05 with people not wanting to get back on the tube.

Crickey! And cabbies come in for stick on this forum about perceived attitudes. Yes, some terrorists who believe in an extreme view of the Muslim faith blew up people on the tube...

The Admiralty Arch junction is one of the worst junctions for making progress into/round Trafalger Square. Two lanes of traffic is required to maintain some semblance of movement through there. IF people drove with a bit more consideration, then it is a squeeze, but two lanes of traffic could be maintained and cyclists could all continue on their journey in a kind of 'live-and-let-live' kind of way. I do see a lot of slefish (sometimes deliberate I am sure) complete 'blocking' of the cycle lane when you can maintain two lanes and a cycle route. It is also heavily used by motorcyclists. Better still open up the middle arch (the one reserved for the Queen's use only!) to cars and have the inside arch a cycle and motorcycle only!


Well-Known Member
Charlton, London
BentMikey said:
And for anyone reporting potholes, make sure you use - the ctc website. It'll give an independent record of reporting a particular pothole, so councils have no excuse for not fixing them.

Hmmm, I can see my e-mail now:
"Dear fillthathole. I would like to report the roughly 59,000 potholes between my home in Charlton and Cannon Street, London EC2. Thanks.
PS I had to get my wife to type this as my hands are still numb from the road buzz."

Good link tho, I may start with the ones that I have to change down a few gears to climb out of ;)
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