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Cake connoisseur
Have you been through the desert on a horse with no name?


New Member
Hands down biggest buzz in the world... and I've been everywhere.

The birds love english accents, and if you play it right, you'll be getting laid left right and centre (don't get too drunk though)

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
America is much like the curates egg... good in parts. It's so vast and cotains so many different sceneries and "cultures". The food industry took me there and as you might imagine, big food factories are generally not near the usual tourist destinations that people mostly see, so you get too see the USA raw in tooth and claw so to speak. And it's both good and bad really. Some of the big cities are great, Chicago is a real fave of mine where I have spent a lot of time, love the blues and the maneagable scale of the place... home of the skyscraper. Seattle and the Pacific Northwest is also very nice and distinctly laid back. You can keep Texas and most of the Midwest is pretty dull (spent a lot of time in Ohio). Took a customer to Miami and apart from the Sunday morning art-deco beach scene it was a dump and a good town to see out of the rear view mirror. Charlotte area of North Carolina looked looked vey lovely There are great swathes in the middle of absolutely nothing...try Witchita Kansas, or Amarillo Texas of the hicksvilles in between.... Small town middle America is interesting in a minutae folksy National Geographic kind of way

Abitrary is right that playing on the "accent" thing can curry many favours.

Overall, I'm ambivalent. Mrs FF loves NYC and would like to revisit (I've not been). I've no rush to spend my own money to go there again, though I've a slight yearning to visit Chicago again.

Ventura Highway, in the sushine...


Moray Firth
Andy in Sig said:
A great shame that the Viking colonisation of the place wasn't a raging success as had it been, the place might have some sort of cultural identity now.

Oh dear.

my understanding is that the native american 'indians' had thriving civilisations well before the norse invadors, at least 12000 years ago?

Your Eurocentric approach does not do those noble peoples any justice Andy. But i do agree that the colonisation and genocide perpetrated by the Brits (among others) has been a cultural and political catastrophe - if that is what you meant?

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
It's good and bad, the same as most places but in general I've liked most of the places I've been and had some good times with the Americans that I've met!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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