Andy Schleck

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Jörg Jaksche when asked to clarify his performance in the 2006 Tour de Suisse. "I said it wasn’t a race, more of a club championships. He asked me to clarify what I meant. So I said ‘yes, it was a club championship. The winner of the race was Jan Ullrich, a client of Fuentes, second was Koldo Gil, a client of Fuentes, third was me, fourth was Vicioso, another Fuentes client, sixth was Fränk Schleck’. Everyone in the court, even the judge was laughing. It was ridiculous.”

Where Frank goes, there goeth Andy - IMHO.

I was just about to quote that.

I don't think he's got it mentally either, probably why he can't descend. At the moment he looks a spent force but who knows.


God Almighty
I'm no fan, but I think he will be back.
I don't think he's got it mentally either

+1 for that, he doesnt seem aggressive or to dominate enough, you need alot of both to be at the top.

he'd still beat me up any hill you care to mention though, beach or no beach


Perhaps he likes to party a bit too much to dedicate himself to becoming a contender again? He is, by all accounts, "popular with the ladies" and then there was the 5am Vuelta incident (amongst others I hear).

I'm not a believer in Andy Schleck. I don't believe that someone can get dropped in the Tour of Switzerland and a month later have gained enough form to finish second in the Tour. Always goes well after a rest day too.


Is that coz there aren't any or coz you CBA.

I think it's just his opinion. He ain't got a thesis on the subject!

Anyway, he didn't say there were allegations all over the Internet... Just that you can try looking for some if you really wanted to.


I looked on Google too, and I have as much disdain for dopers as you, but there is nowt to pin on Andy apart from Frank and Johan. No direct accusation. Can you link some please?

Oh come on, Frank doesn't take a leak without Andy doing the same. Their father has been the subject of specific targeted operations on at least two occasions. Whatever their considerable natural talents, if you really believe there isn't more powering the Schlecks than just their parents' homemade rosti, then I would suggest you are being more than a little naive.


I have no idea if there are any at all. As I said, just my musings. And as I have said numerous times before I am just a middle aged bloke on a cycling forum passing the time of day, making things up as I see fit with no need to adhere to legal protocols which have no bearing on my opinions.


Oh come on, Frank doesn't take a leak without Andy doing the same. Their father has been the subject of specific targeted operations on at least two occasions. Whatever their considerable natural talents, if you really believe there isn't more powering the Schlecks than just their parents' homemade rosti, then I would suggest you are being more than a little naive.

Not once did I state that I thought Andy was on bread and water. FWIW , I am definitely in the "he's proper dodgy" camp. I just wanted to know what Noodley was referring to in the all over google claim, when I hadn't seen it. I thought that was a fair question really.


Anyway, I am musing about things. Not looking for answers. No point in that.

I agree. Answers are dull, discussion and opinion is WAAAAAY more interesting!

I cut Schlek some slack (Schlek slak, schlek slak - sounds like a newly landed flounder) because my mum likes him. Personally, I reckon he's a bit of a dork. He can't even change gear properly. ;)


Über Member
Schleck fails at least two of my tests for dopers

1. Linked closely to know doper, in his case he gets double points because it's his brother
2. Attitude to having been robbed of his moment of glory of the limelight in Paris as a TdF winner, he scores triple points because that didn't even merit a comment.

So I don't know for sure either, but for me he's dirty.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
so by this logic....
...I also don't get the dislike of tomas voeckler, supposedly aloof, arrogant, etc etc sounds abit like wiggins to me...but wiggins is the king of cool, strange very strange..:smile:

The English and French have a long tradition of finding each other arrogant. We wouldn't be English or French if we didn't:tongue:
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