Another drug cheat.....

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Legendary Member
He was a good sprinter. Used to get a right mooooove on. I'm not sure what the udder competitors thing of him now. Still, a nice hot mug of Bovine and it'll seem better in the morning. A few more weeks and itll be forgotten, no more cattling on. That's cow these things go.


Richmond ,Surrey
Maybe he was to embarrassed to admit he thought he was taking viagra, so he put us all on a … bum.......steer …

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
He tried to sirloin the medal.
I can understand why pro’s dope, when amateurs do it, it’s just sad.
For the guy riding the Wobbly Wheelers 25 road race the result is just as important as the Tour de France win is to a professional. I speak as someone who once had a serious fist fight with my then best mate at school over a disputed penalty in a game of Subbuteo.

And it was a penalty too, despite what the lying bastard of a referee said :angry:
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