Melvil said:
That goes under 'Kipper' stuff
But it's nothing to do with kippers! It's haddock!
Also, I had to tick toast and jam, but I usually have two slices of toast, one marmite and one jam...
Was once explaining the breakfast menu to a German couple in the same Scottish B and B as us...
"Vat is Kippers?"
"Er, a sort of salty smoked bony fish..."
"<doubtful sounding> Ah.. Vat is porridge?"
"Er, a sort of hot paste made of oats and milk"
"<doubtful sounding> Ah.. vat is Black pudding?"
"Er.. a sort of sausage made of blood..."
"<happy> Ah! Ve vill hav ze full breakfast!"
When you stop to explain some stuff, you realise how odd it might seem!