Any Runners On Here??

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Here for rides.
Talking of 5k, my club's training session this week is a 5k time trial. It will be run around the paths in Yoyogi Park rather than the old 1964 Olympic training track, which we would normally be using*. So, essentially a 'park run' too! I don't expect to get anywhere near my PB set in 2014 here, of 18:31. I'd be lucky if I get anywhere near 20:00, and probably significantly slower than that...

*This has been closed for 6 months for 'resurfacing' which has not been started yet and which they now say will take another year (although it's unclear if they mean a year from when it actually gets started or from now... it seems that Olympic preparation idiocy is affecting even venues that will not be used in the 2020 games...
5km is 5km whether you run it fast or slow. ;)


5km is 5km whether you run it fast or slow. ;)

Yeah but the faster you run it, the harder it is, right? And the purpose of a TT is to run it as fast as you are currently capable. It would still be 5km even if I walked it but there wouldn't be a lot of point in that...


New Forest
Question for any long distance runners.
I'm training for the New Forest Marathon in September & am slowly upping the mileage each week. Today I did 15.5 miles, and in the shower afterwards I noticed I had some rubbing on my undercarriage similar to what I used to get when I first started longer cycle rides.
Now I cured that by using Chamois cream, does anyone useChamois cream when running?

Mrs bean

Started running earlier in the year after doing no exercise for quite a while, I've ran two 5k races, helping hearts and race for life, also try and run couple of times a week, slow times so far but each run I seem to knock a minute or two off, and of course I cycle 10.1k today :smile:

Garry A

Question for any long distance runners.
I'm training for the New Forest Marathon in September & am slowly upping the mileage each week. Today I did 15.5 miles, and in the shower afterwards I noticed I had some rubbing on my undercarriage similar to what I used to get when I first started longer cycle rides.
Now I cured that by using Chamois cream, does anyone useChamois cream when running?

I hear that Vaseline is often used by longer distance runners to avoid parts rubbing together and rubbing clothing.


Here for rides.
Question for any long distance runners.
I'm training for the New Forest Marathon in September & am slowly upping the mileage each week. Today I did 15.5 miles, and in the shower afterwards I noticed I had some rubbing on my undercarriage similar to what I used to get when I first started longer cycle rides.
Now I cured that by using Chamois cream, does anyone useChamois cream when running?
Yes. And other similar running specific products are available.
Trunce 5 last night

Not a good one for me
I felt a bit tight-chested, from the "Go", & was losing places all the way
Heck I was even far enough pack to not queue at the kissing-gate (see results)
Only respite was the brief downhill to the first river crossing

I was walking most of the main hill
By now (just over a mile in) I was breathing like as asthmatic Donkey, on 80 Capstan full-strength a day!
In physical terms, I feel it was the hardest Trunce I've done

Rather bizarrely, but mainly due to the lack of a queue, it was 3rd fastest out of 5 races!!!! (however, #4 was '55minutes +', as I guided newcomers round)

I ended up 99th/208 @ 37:33
There was no queue, due to significantly lower field, than the last 4 races, as shown
#1 = 420
#2 = 385
#3 = 381
#4 = 347

Once back in the car, the breathing was still bad, & it took me until I got home (30 minute drive, partly on M1) to feel okay
Still couldn't talk in full sentances to wife, due to restricted breathing

Had to go on bike today - lazy!!
Going to try running club tonight, but will 'lantern-rouge' the beginners

Garry A

Its crap not being up to full strength. Went for a run last night with a local club and had to be tail end Charlie as I hurt my back at work on Saturday and struggled.
It is indeed grim new

I felt okay at the club-run, whether that was because there was no need to push, or that the days rain had 'cleared the air'?
Circa 10min/miles were fine for me last night, as the Voiture Balai

I also ran to work this morning, through the woods, & along the river-bank, as it was light enough at 04:35
Felt okay, but the brambles/nettles, etc... were all down over the path, & I got a fair collection of souvenirs!!

Coming home was a bit breathless, in the first section, & allowing for the brambles (& very muddy bits) again, it was a reasonable time
I could talk fully, & no wheezing



Round about 22:15 in the club 5km TT last night (roughly corrected for the fact that it was actually just over 5.1km - 22.40 was the stopwatch time).

That's 3 minutes slower than I would have expected 2 years ago. I could have run significantly faster but I wasn't going to injure myself in pursuit of a time that would mean very little given my current distance from race fitness. I stayed well within myself and kept a rock steady pace as other people went both forwards and backwards around me. Someone said to me at the finish, "but you aren't even out of breath". I'd also run 4km of slow warm up beforehand. So, at my current weight and level of fitness, that was just fine.

After a week and a half of proper running again, (3*7.5km runs, 2*training sessions of 8-9km each) I am already starting to feel some definition returning to my stomach, and feel like I starting to lose some of that excess flab. But the losses are always faster at the start of this process. It will take a long time before I am back to where I was (if ever).
Last edited:
Monday 27th

Trunce 5 last night

Not a good one for me
I felt a bit tight-chested, from the "Go", & was losing places all the way
Heck I was even far enough pack to not queue at the kissing-gate (see results)
Only respite was the brief downhill to the first river crossing

I was walking most of the main hill
By now (just over a mile in) I was breathing like as asthmatic Donkey, on 80 Capstan full-strength a day!
In physical terms, I feel it was the hardest Trunce I've done

Staring to grimace, to cover the 'Wheezing Donkey' feeling
Paul, one of my club-mates, who I usually beat by a couple of minutes, is behind me here, & bet me (roughly 1 & 1/2 mile back, at this point)
We're on Old Mill Lane, just north of this bridge (which we cross on the 'out')



Hi all, I thought i should share this with you,
I've been a jogger/runner on off for some time now,
But this time, (since February) I am more focus, started by jogging ten minutes every day, for 8 weeks, then doing 5km once a week,
Now I am doing 2x5 km a week (outside) and interval training twice a week in the gym (only10 minutes).

Now I am feeling good, had no injuries yet, and the 5km time is coming down, did my best time yesterday,
This happened after really looking at my stats on strava,
my problem was, when running down hill, I was putting on the brakes, which meant my heart was recovering, good but I've been losing time,

My goals are, to continue the same plan for a year, but improve on the 5km time.
Also stick to the same route, which is very quite and has a nice hill.

Also this running lark is helping with my cycling, so its win win.
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