Anyone succeeded in becoming a morning person?

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Last of the Summer Winos
Years of working "odd" hours converted me...... into what, I'm not exactly sure :wacko:

Nowadays I find I can survive happily on 4 hours of sleep, although I prefer 6. I tend to stay up till 1.00 ish on a work night, and at weekends I often see 3 or 4 am. Then it's up with the kids at 7am.
Before I had school/nursery to worry about a morning training ride or commute used to set me up for the day. I've worked a variety of shift patterns in the past so this wasn't possible a lot of the time but on days it was I was always in much better shape for work r getting thisngs done quicker at home after some training.

Now I'm knackered and ready for a break when I get to work after getting three girls ready in the morning and taking them to school and nursery before work.
ChrisKH said:
Well let me know if it's possible.

I am a morning person. My wife is a night owl. I want to go to bed at 10.30. She wants to go to bed at 12.30, etc.etc. So when I'm ready for bed, she is ready for a natter and vice versa. It does put a strain on things as there is an expectation that I will go to bed at 12.30 but I have to be up early in the morning for work. I also find I need more sleep than her generally.

Anyone else have this problem?

We did until she got a job that requires early commuting. That sorted her out. She's ready for bed by 10pm now :wacko:


Twenty Inch said:
We did until she got a job that requires early commuting. That sorted her out. She's ready for bed by 10pm now :smile:

Yes, I'll tell her to get a job as she clearly isn't doing enough around the house and during the day. That'll do it. :wacko:


Cake connoisseur
In answer to your original post...even though I've had spells of having to get up at 6am and earlier for work I don't think I've ever voluntarily got up early.

Mornings are very lovely, but I've seen a lot more 2am's than 6am's in my life and can't see that changing...


More serious cyclist than Bonj
I was a morning person, then last year could sleep in, now at the moment, i only get 2 lie ins a week, and I'm up at about 8:30 on those days. So it appears im turning into a morning person, but Sunday mornings, when im up at 7:10, sometimes i am not all there for about half an hour.


ChrisKH said:
Well let me know if it's possible.

I am a morning person. My wife is a night owl. I want to go to bed at 10.30. She wants to go to bed at 12.30, etc.etc. So when I'm ready for bed, she is ready for a natter and vice versa. It does put a strain on things as there is an expectation that I will go to bed at 12.30 but I have to be up early in the morning for work. I also find I need more sleep than her generally.

Anyone else have this problem?

Completely - you have my undying sympathy.



My Armchair
When you've done 15 years of rotating shift pattern 6-2am,then 2-10pm as I have,you can't get into a routine as such so have to accomodate as best you can,hopefully this is coming to an end soon looks like I will be on the dayshift shortly a much more conventional 8-4.30 (commue home in rush hour:sad:) my advice would be to get to bed earlier or as you say MTFU:biggrin:


Well-Known Member
I really think you're naturally inclined to one or the other. My natural inclination is to sleep in, start work stupidly late and then burn the midnight oil to catch up. This has some downsides, notably a sense of having wasted half the morning, (or even all of it), leading to feelings of self-opprobrium.

Getting a job which starts really early is the obvious solution, in my case waking at 3am for a 4am start. I finish at noon, meaning I have all afternoon to waste as lunch merges seamlessly into afternoon tea and then dinner. I think I may just be a chronic procrastinator.

Sleepwise, I try to get to bed around 8pm, (oops, look at the time now), but often lie in bed awake until 9:30 or later. I just don't feel tired enough at that time of the evening, though I could easily fall asleep when I get home just before 1pm. Somehow, I scrape together enough willpower to deny myself an afternoon nap.

Hope this is helpful, or if not, at least amusing in a grim sort of way.


Über Member
It's doable. Set your alarm for the same time every day (including weekends) and get up with NO SNOOZE BUTTONING every day. Eventually you get used to it and naturally wake up a few minutes before the alarm. If you go to bed at a reasonable hour during the week you can get away with later nights at the weekend and still wake up early. It's alot easier to get out of the habit than get into it mind!


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Joe said:
It's doable. Set your alarm for the same time every day (including weekends) and get up with NO SNOOZE BUTTONING every day. Eventually you get used to it and naturally wake up a few minutes before the alarm. If you go to bed at a reasonable hour during the week you can get away with later nights at the weekend and still wake up early. It's alot easier to get out of the habit than get into it mind!

I hate my alarm, i really do.
Even if im awake, and its going off, there's something about it, which i hate, and i want to smash up my phone to shut it up.
Good way of getting me up.


My Armchair
Joe24 said:
I hate my alarm, i really do.
Even if im awake, and its going off, there's something about it, which i hate, and i want to smash up my phone to shut it up.
Good way of getting me up.
Ha Ha I too used to hate my phone alarm had it set on a Gus'n'Roses song (sweet child of mine) and every time I heard it on radio or wherever it really wound me up,soon changed it to a more generic tone:smile:


New Member
my house
Joe said:
It's doable. Set your alarm for the same time every day (including weekends) and get up with NO SNOOZE BUTTONING every day.

Get a daylight alarm - one with a light that comes on gradually - not much use in summer, but great in winter. It's a much more natural way to wake up in the mornings.

Conversely, in the evenings, have low levels of lighting and preferably no telly for at least the last half hour before bedtime.
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