Appraisal Personal Objectives

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Just been told by my manager that I have to set two personal objectives and they must be measurable and challenging.

Now, I'm not an 18 year old starting their first job and I'm not a graduate looking to climb the corporate ladder. I dont want to get into management as it involves meetings, reports and dealing with personnel. I do NOT want to 'improve' myself.

I'm 42, I just want to do my job well and will take on anything the job needs to get done, but that's it, just want to pay my mortgage and go home.

FFS, fricking waste of space HR departments trying to justify their pointless and overpaid existence. Why can't they just fuck off?

Anyone else dread this part of their working life?


How much does it cost to Oldham?
Not anymore I don't. Got away from that kind of corporate bollocks five years ago because that's exactly what it is.


Legendary Member
Thank God I work for a company that has just employees and directors so if you're not a director there's nowhere else to go. We also have very few meetings, which makes me happy because in my previous job we had hours of meetings which I viewed as management by committee. That company doesn't exist any more.
Yes this is a right bag of toss

However you can have lots of fun with 'measurable'. Just think of all the devices there are in the world which measure things:

giger counters
mass spectrometers
depth guages


So in your appraisal, try to work in as many outlandish measurement devices you possibly can, that will indicate you have done something. eg produce enough paperwork to register on a weighbridge. Reduce office temperature by 1 degree, as measured by a thermometer, by being repeatedly 'working from home' etc etc

And it will certainly be a challenge. So, double whammy

I am Spartacus

Über Member
N Staffs
well if they are personal challenges...
a 100 mile sportive under 5 1/2 hours and a
25k tt under the hour

now going back to retirement, ty


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
Funny, we were just talking about this old bow-locks in the office, my new Boss Hogg has decided to re-introduce the PDR. I've been asked to do the same for my 'key personnel'.

What a complete waste of time...groan...


Über Member
You echo my sentiments EXACTLY. Appraisals, role play. objectives, targets .... It really was one of the reasons I took early retirement. If the damned things were any more than window dressing then I might see the sense in them. I see things haven't changed.
I worked in a small Excise office in Newark in 82 when this nonsense first raised its head and the old chaps with 40 years seniority and vast experience were as asked to provide an objective for the coming year.
The response of the most senior man was , and I remember it as clearly as if it was yesterday " My aim is to remain an officer and a gentleman" He was never approached again.
trustysteed said:
it's amazing just how much this can wind you up isn't it? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Its a self serving load of bollocks. It's just as bad if you're doing the appraisal too. I'd rather not shoehorn my staff into some kind of crappy framework which bears no relation whatsoever to what they do on a day to day basis...even sadder is that the organization uses what we enter into the system as a result for strategic purposes, and it's all total lies!! That's the satisfying part.


Spectral Cyclist
Out the back
trustysteed said:
Just been told by my manager that I have to set two personal objectives and they must be measurable and challenging.

Now, I'm not an 18 year old starting their first job and I'm not a graduate looking to climb the corporate ladder. I dont want to get into management as it involves meetings, reports and dealing with personnel. I do NOT want to 'improve' myself.

I'm 42, I just want to do my job well and will take on anything the job needs to get done, but that's it, just want to pay my mortgage and go home.

FFS, fricking waste of space HR departments trying to justify their pointless and overpaid existence. Why can't they just fuck off?

Anyone else dread this part of their working life?

Would you care share with the group what your job is / entails ?
Been through what you describe years back in a different life. We were told to set 'SMART' targets - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-limited (I think that's right - I've tried my best to forget it!).

My advice would be to pick a couple of aspects of your job that YOU want to find out more about / explore ways of doing better (as you mention doing a good job) and make it your appraisal target to do this. That way, you are investing in yourself and spending time on stuff you will (hopefully) find interesting and personally motivating - but in a way that will benefit the company too.
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