Appreciating music, years later

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twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Major scale: C D E F G A B

(Every third note)
1st chord: C E G B
5th chord: G B D F

Errr Hmmph. Am I missing something? Those chords are every second note are they not?

No because you count the note that you start on.

Ah OK. Not the way I was taught maths but hey ho it's music. TBH - I still don't get it...... Maybe that's why I don't do music :sad:

It threw me as well, when I was first taught it. Stuffed my maths up and my teacher despaired of me.

Any questions just ask,

So how is it that harmonists can't count? :rolleyes:
I do like the fact, that he (& Rocker, and Phantom) looked up to Dave Edmunds though^_^

I forgot, until I was eating tea, & listening to Simon Mayo
No really sure why, unless it was an lateral connection, as one of the first tracks was 'In A Big Country', to Springsteens tales of America?
Hence the thought.................

Regarding Edmunds, as well as the 'Cats looking up to him, Bruce Springsteen gifted him a song to record
Surely, in the 80's that was definitely high praise indeed!! (even pre Born In The USA)
The story is included here............

Also on the same LP is a track called 'Warmed Over Kisses (Left-Over Love)', that was recorded with Dave Peacock (of Chas & Dave) on Banjo
And a cracking Cajun flavoured version (as it should be!!!) 'Louisina Man'

Plus, I have a CD compilation of Edmunds, & it has an insert
I knew he'd recorded with/produced a lot of artists, but reminding myself by looking at it
Paul McCartney. Travelling Wilburys (& all members), Dion DiMucci, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, Jeff Lynne, Carl Perkins, Eric Clapton

He produced a wonderful LP for KD Lang ('Angel With A Lariet')

He was also in the David Essex film, Stardust' as one of his band (oddly; 'The Stray Cats'..............)
He recorded 'Baby RIde Easy' with Carlene Carter-Cash (step-daughter of Johnny Cash, & wife of Nick Lowe)

Stop me, if I'm boring you
Early on, he also recorded some cracking Elvis tracks, with wonderful production
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West Yorks
I was 2 years old.
Interesting fact: she wrote that aged 13!! That is genius.
I would have been 13,she certainly got my full attention on Top of the pops! I think it was '78 that she released that song, yes just looked on wikipedia it was 1978, she did indeed write it at 13, and recorded it aged 16, quite a talent.

Tim Hall

I have, somewhere, a cassette I recorded off the radio of Nick Lowe and Dave Edmunds going all Everley Brothers on Nicky Horne's show from back in the day. Hell, it must be 35 years old.


In the early 80s. I was seriously into The Jam, Secret Affair, The Chords, XTC, a range of post punk, and of course Billy Bragg. This lot were a pair of silly popsters for pre pubescent girls as far as I was concerned. However at Nottingham Splendour Festival 2010 I was dancing away and singing at the top of my voice 'West End Girls' what a fantastic joyous show.



Legendary Member
I've just worked it out, it must have been early '87 when I first saw the DTs at the Charlotte. Correct me, but the first might have been when they supported Dr Feelgood.
It's possible that if Dr Feelgood needed a support band that the DTs would have done it but at that time they played regularly at the Princess Charlotte (every month) and could pack the place on their own, by that time Steve Walwyn was playing guitar with them and he now plays with Dr Feelgood, joining whilst Lee was still alive.

The original name was 'The Hickling Taylor Blues Band' and Simon met 'Big Al Taylor' when they were at school in Lutterworth together, with 'Big Al' being from Enderby and Simon from Bitteswell, I've known em since I was about 12.


It's possible that if Dr Feelgood needed a support band that the DTs would have done it but at that time they played regularly at the Princess Charlotte (every month) and could pack the place on their own, by that time Steve Walwyn was playing guitar with them and he now plays with Dr Feelgood, joining whilst Lee was still alive.

The original name was 'The Hickling Taylor Blues Band' and Simon met 'Big Al Taylor' when they were at school in Lutterworth together, with 'Big Al' being from Enderby and Simon from Bitteswell, I've known em since I was about 12.
I saw the DTs several times at the Charlotte, I just suspected that it was supporting Dr Feelgood the first time because I must have come across them somehow, and I can't see them supporting any of the other bands I saw there.
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