Appreciating music, years later

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It's mostly all based on playing stacked third notes of Major and minor scales, but the rhythms have changed over the years...........

Don't know what that means, but jazz, IMO, is still, and always will be, shite.

It was a generalisation, I was referring to the harmony in western music........

You do need the (modern) there. There's an awful lot of jazz that is a very long way removed from pet shop jazz.

Jazz is a multifaceted music, which incorporates many differing styles and the Good/Bad........


What’s the point
You're all turning into your dad.

nah, My dad detested the same stuff I did. I liked a good chunk of what he did but we both detested almost all the same stuff.

I listen to 80s compilations now and think that , yeah it wasn't too bad actually, when back then disliked with a passion.

Depeche Mode is a cracking example. Heaven 17 , Duran Duran too.

spotify is getting an 80s hammering at moment in the car on the long weekend drives to N Wales and back .


Well, that's cleared that up then. :wacko:

Ok, the harmony in western music is based on taking the third note of the Major and minor scale and creating a chord. You then have created 7 chords for Major Harmony and 7 chords for minor harmony. The 5th chord usually resolves to the 1st chord, our ears like this movement or we're conditioned to like it, depending upon your point of view. The remaining chords have other characteristics.

Major scale: C D E F G A B

(Every third note)
1st chord: C E G B
5th chord: G B D F

Western music gets a bit more complex, but not much more.

EDIT: Rock music drops the 3rd from the chord and uses mainly 1st and 5th notes (The power chord), using no 3rd note in a chord causes musical ambiguity and enables the guitarist to noodle around using the pentatonic/blues scale, which has a minor third. Resulting in playing minor based scales over a Major tonality, same as black American traditional blues music.
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Ok, the harmony in western music is based on taking the third note of the Major and minor scale and creating a chord. You then have created 7 chords for Major Harmony and 7 chords for minor harmony. The 5th chord usually resolves to the 1st chord, our ears like this movement or we're conditioned to like it, depending upon your point of view. The remaining chords have other characteristics.

Major scale: C D E F G A B

(Every third note)
1st chord: C E G B
5th chord: G B D F

Western music gets a bit more complex, but not much more.



I like and enjoy music very much, but understand it? Sorry, it's a non starter for me.

But I appreciate your attempt to 'enlighten' me.


Legendary Member
Fine Young Cannibals. I was born a rocker, and I'll die a rocket, but they played She Drives Me Crazy on the radio the other day and it struck me how brilliant it was. Great tune, well produced, it sounded great.

I was swimming in Beverley swimming baths must be over 25 years ago when Roland Gift turned up for a swim.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
I dismissed bands like The Smiths and Aztec Camera back in the 80s when i was too busy listening to either Duran Duran or TFF... it was around 2001 I discovered the alternative 80s in a big old 2nd hand record shop in Cockermouth... loads of LPs bearing singles that I'd half liked or songs i'd grown to like for a couple of quid and in near mint condition.

I remember taking the p!ss out of my best mate for listening to Simon & Garfunkel (he was supposed to be a punk)... these days i can't fault them (although their first LP is a bit 'goddy').

I recall how much i hated I Just Called To Say I love You when it was number one for far too long... I still detest that song but have since become a huge fan of Mr Wonder.

In spite of going to school with Busta Rhymes, i detested hip hop in all its forms... until i discovered funk in the early 90s, then i understood what hip hop was all about.

I did secretly like Prince's When Doves Cry, but didn't admit that to anyone for a good decade.

Music, like cheese does get better with age.


Firm and Fruity
There's all sorts of things I would have never listened as a young 'un. It was a case of "What will others think of me if I listen to..." and as you get older you stop caring, listen to it anyway and realise how good it was after all.

Edit - re: Kate Bush - The Sensual World is brilliant, listened to it recently after a long time off it and it's still great.
I have been discovering Kate Bush recently. Cloud Bursting came on the radio.
I was ten when that song was released so most of Kate Bush past me by first time round.
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