Are there any singers whose voice you intensely dislike ?

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Prepare a way for the Lord
North Hampshire
Most Disney film singers’ voices.
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Bob Dylan.

I know he’s regarded as a bit of a legend and his lyrics are good, but there is not even the hint of a tune comes out of that man’s mouth when he sings.

Always sounds like he’s in a drunken strop.

Saw him back in the 60's on his " Judas " tour and again a few years ago when he was touring with Mark Knoppfler.
He was sh*t on both occasions, just going through the motions with no acknowledgement that he was performing in front of an audience.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Thst Coldplay fella. Whiny dirge.

Elvis Costello.. Awful nasal noise


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I thought, when she started, she was good but then she introduced all that warbling and IMO went down the pan.

Finished me off when I was in college, and someone would always play 'I will always love you' and it reverberated up and down the corridor, every blimmin week during lunch (I was day release, thank god). Drove me chips !
Now before I go on - I want to make it VERY clear that these sessions were at a Riado One road show and I was only teher to take my daughter

I repeat - this was not something I went to for myself

Right - that's clear

Rubbish singer - Cheryl COle - or whatever her name is nowadays
bloomi' awful - couldn;t sing or dance for toffee - I could do better
and believe me I am rubbish at both!!!

better than expected - Justin Beaver (or whatever)
I expected very little - but the sound was good - singing was good (possibly thanks to teh technology - but then Cheryl did the same and was still crap!)
and his relation to the crowd and ability to control them was very professional

Best thing I saw was Lost Prophets - clearly can;t even listen to them anymore due to that evil git and what he did - but the gig was great at the time!

Oh and my daughter lover it - but I did have to track her down and warn her to avoid the nice lady witha tray of full shot glasses she was giving away for free!!!
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