Armstrong admits to Astana tensions

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Hardly ground breaking stuff but it's an interesting read. Though I must admit to my jaw dropping on occasions. It's quite an eye opener (or confirmation for others perhaps) of Armstrong's ego.

I just can't understand where his head's at...

Armstrong added that if Contador gave a repeat performance in the climbing stages of next week, he would have to abide by the team's rules - although they, for now, seem to be unfathomable.

"If that happens on the way to Verbier (on stage 15), there's nothing I can do about that. I have to follow the (team) rules," Armstrong added.

...for a team where there is no one leader (to paraphrase him) he seems to expect Contador to play second fiddle. I think that's what pissed him off on Arcalis. Seriously, call me naive, but I really am quite astounded by his attitude.


Legendary Member
The BBC has him saying the following. I have highlighted the arrogance in red....

"The honest truth is that there's a little tension," he said. "Alberto is strong, and he's very ambitious."
Armstrong said if the 26-year-old Contador proved his worth he would accept having to play second fiddle in the team.
"If he proves to be the strongest in the race, there's nothing I can do," he said.


He's right though. Contador might currently be head and shoulders the outstanding favourite for the TdF but what's that got to do with it? Doesn't matter how many years you've been out, once a winner always a winner xx(

Give Armstrong his dues though, no shortage of self belief is there. Perhaps to the point of over-riding reality.


Über Member
zimzum42 said:
The BBC has him saying the following. I have highlighted the arrogance in red....

No - you have highlighted the BBCs interpretation of what he said - not neccessarily his words - hence no quote marks :smile:


Legendary Member
I realize that it isn't a direct quote, but have no problems believing such arrogance flowed from LA
It seems likely to me that one way or another LA and contador are going to be pretty tight until at least the alps, if not the finish... and that Astana seem to be the runaway team this year, so if its going to be an Astana 1-2, the DS wont care who's which, so wont they each have licence to go for glory say, on the ventoux?


Legendary Member
Cycling has so many great champions who were nothing of the kind. Indurain and Sastre to name a few recent ones...
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