Armstrong admits to Astana tensions

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New Member
yello said:
I've not said anything against Contador. ;)

I was thinking more about the media......I'm sure they will get their claws in Cav eventually, they always build our sportsman and women up and then shoot them down......i just dont get it :laugh:


New Member
yello said:
I love the intrigue!

It adds so much!

Here you go, from the Italian sport press:

Or the google translation:

And one from L'Equipe, for good measure, Andy saying Contador is not unbeatable and Bjarne promising havoc in the Alps...

The original:

The translation:


Well-Known Member
I remembered some of you guys suggesting it after his time trial victory :laugh:.

Get them to the top and start shooting em down ;)


maurice said:
I remembered some of you guys suggesting it after his time trial victory :laugh:. Get them to the top and start shooting em down ;)

Simply because it was a healthy margin of victory from someone who does not class themselves as a TTer! As you say, a few eyebrows were raised. Not just on this forum. It's not a matter of building up to shoot down, it's recognising the drug's climate that exists in cycling and being realistic enough to realise that anyone could be doping.

Yes, anyone. It's a horribly cynical thing to think but it is were we are.


New Member
Some could turn to coke saying "if Tom got away with it, we can get away with it too".
I really think it's so endemic (to sport in general) that the TdF organisers publicise on a discretionary basis and a lot less than they know.


New Member
contador doping never crossed my mind...

although as you say anyone could... ( btw do track riders get doping controls just that i never hear about them getting done for doping???)

even wiggins on tonights it4 said people are saying he's been doping...


New Member
mr-marty-martin said:
contador doping never crossed my mind...

Don't take me wrong. I love cycling and love the TdF. And don't want to sound like the ultimate cynic. But Dr Fuentes had AC's number.


New Member
just been talkin to some one about this tonight

he was teling me when he was a pro in france a couple years back ( like pro am races ) he regualy so a dutch team doping but had to keep shum...although they did get caught in the end

he also no's a local time trialer who takes certain drugs to try and enhance his local time trial performances, lmao, and im only talking about club events here...


Über Member
mr-marty-martin said:
he also no's a local time trialer who takes certain drugs to try and enhance his local time trial performances, lmao, and im only talking about club events here...

There are lots of TTers who take something to help improve their performace - mostly legal (bicarb of soda, creatine, caffeine etc) but I don't think I ever came accross someone on stearoids whilst TTing - I could be wrong of course.

Seems a little self-defeating to me though TTs are all about racing against the clock and achieving/beating your PB - if you can catch your minute man, so much the better :biggrin:


New Member
i read somewhere ( cant remember where now )

that team gb used the bicarb of soda thing, with fresh orange, it only works for short sprint events...
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