Armstrong and the TdF

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Legendary Member
I'm tempted to say that in order to win at that level then one has to be as arrogant and self-centred as Lance - but then I remember the grace and dignity with which Indurain used to win, letting other riders take the mountain top finishes, never thinking cycling was bigger than him. Added to that winning other GTs and doing the hour record and so on.

Lance has done well, but there are so many other cyclists far greater than him

just jim

Chuffy said:
Haters 1 Fanboys 0 :biggrin:
It's shooting fish in a barrel season again! :angry:

It isn't. Really it isn't.


Well-Known Member
Chuffy said:
Love the Freudian slip there from Big Tex - "And yes, this will be final Tour de France. It's been a great ride. Looking forward to three great weeks,"
No Lance, no Tour. The end of cycling itself is surely close behind.

Ah ha! We have a closet fan boy following Lance on twitter....

.. either that or someone's regretting his rubber pants promise and keenly following Lance's training progress :biggrin:

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
montage said:
I've not followed Alberto much this year....but I've heard he has been off the mark.
Hmm - he's doing pretty well if he's aiming to peak in the third week of the tour though. The key for Bert is the first week - if he gets through that ok, I reckon he's a shoo in.

Lance, hate it or not, is in amazing condition - rumoured to nearly have hit the record time climbing the Col de la Madone only a couple of days ago whilst training. He also has what can be argued to be the strongest team there. I don't think the 9/1 odds the bookies are offering does him much justice!
Possibly. He's also had fewer racing days this year, and a crash that he wouldn't have been involved in at all in his glory years. In his favour, his team looks excellent, although the "there are no favourites" line he's thrown out makes me wonder if the in-fighting at Astana "the road will decide" is going to happen at the Shack as well.

Zim, your comment puts me in mind of Sastre's '08 win - another classy rider & winner, imo.
John the Monkey said:
Hmm - he's doing pretty well if he's aiming to peak in the third week of the tour though. The key for Bert is the first week - if he gets through that ok, I reckon he's a shoo in.
No contest really, barring accidents or some random strangeness.

In his favour, his team looks excellent, although the "there are no favourites" line he's thrown out makes me wonder if the in-fighting at Astana "the road will decide" is going to happen at the Shack as well.
I doubt it somehow. The riders that went from Astana to Shack are well trained hounds that will heel their master without question. Kloden has always been happy to play follow my leader and Bottle has been in the pocket of Bruyneel and Tex since forever. The only possible wildcard is that chap who won the Dauphine (can't recall his name exactly) if he finds himself riding well.


Brajkovic? As we said on the Dauphiné thread, it's doubtfull he'll be allowed to go for it. Going to be interesting to see how all this is going to pan out. Berto's DS has said he was only at 80% for the Dauphiné.
Bring it on - two days to go :biggrin:

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Chuffy said:
Kloden has always been happy to play follow my leader and Bottle has been in the pocket of Bruyneel and Tex since forever. The only possible wildcard is that chap who won the Dauphine (can't recall his name exactly) if he finds himself riding well.

I wonder. If Lance has a shaky first week & Levi/Kloden go well...Nah, you're right.
John the Monkey said:
That's the chap.

I wonder. If Lance has a shaky first week & Levi/Kloden go well...Nah, you're right.
Hater! :biggrin:
Mind you, it could be interesting because if the Texan Vampire finally stays in his coffin next year The Shed will be needing new talent. Levi/Klodi are getting on (and frankly, they're not winners when it comes to Grand Tours) and this Brajkovic chap looks like he might be worth developing. They won't want to beat him too hard if he pushes on a little. Hmmm...


Legendary Member
I would love it if he could somehow win the whole thing. He just needs to start riding like Big Mig!


Blue said:
Round 1 to LA!!

Spoken like a true fanboy! And here was me thinking the messiah was 4th. :biggrin:

He did look good. That did surprise me. I don't think anyone will be quaking though. Like me, surprised but not quaking. There are many days to go and many many other contenders.
yello said:
Spoken like a true fanboy! And here was me thinking the messiah was 4th. :biggrin:

He did look good. That did surprise me. I don't think anyone will be quaking though. Like me, surprised but not quaking. There are many days to go and many many other contenders.
No, he won, don't you understand? He's emulating Big Mig by generously letting, not one, but three other riders take the podium ahead of him! What a guy.
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