Armstrong charged and banned

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I'm done. I'm finished. I'm tired of reading all of these allegations. There comes a time in every man's life when you say enough is enough and move on. That time is now. I can no longer keep up with the thread in The Clinic.


Legendary Member
Did he ever fail a drugs test? This was a question a non cyclist asked me yesterday, I said I thought not.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Did he ever fail a drugs test? This was a question a non cyclist asked me yesterday, I said I thought not.
Holy farking bejesus! Have you read this thread or the links or any of the plethora of info over the last 15 years?
Post no. 1495 and we're back to square one!
P.S. I don't have Yello's patience:thumbsup:
What the hell are you going to do when it is all done and dusted?

It will never be done and dusted. It will go on and on and on like all conspiracy theories with Chuffy and co - who it now appears was not even into cycling when it happened - convinced there is no question he doped and others saying it was a witch-hunt with evidence that was never tested, never failed a drug test etc.
I don't have a strong view on this... To me anyone who completes a TdF is qute a person - anyone who gets close to winning a jersey is a bit of a hero.

But I'd like to draw readers' attention to another public figure pilloried for decades (millenia) in certain parts but revered as a messiah in others.

Although never actually a TdF winner, he was absolutely crucified by the powers that were and the allegations against him were never proved.


Although this all happened a couple of thousand years ago, I think there are parallels here with the current story.

By saying the above, I do not want to give the impression that I have a strong view on Saint Lance of Ventoux.


Legendary Member
Armstrong wasn't, and won't be, the only prick or arrogant b*****d in Pro bike racing. Mudslinging isn't helpful to the debate. Are you suggesting all riders in these years who doped were pricks and arrogant b****ds as you put it?
No, not at all. All I'm saying is that back in the day, even before I really knew what doping was or the scale of it, Armstrong came across as a bit of a prick. to me. In my opinion.

you would save us all a lot of bother if you stopped getting hot flushes over this every time someone says they don't like him.

There's plenty of riders who were doped to the eyeballs but who I still liked at the time and still like now. Virenque, Pantani, Dufaux, Rominger, Indurain, Ullrich, Riis, to name a few.

I just never liked your saint Lance, sorry you have such a beef about that

david k

North West
You think big tex was a bully ? You ain't seen nothing. Hinault was a the bully of all bullies !
ha ha yes thats true, read a book about his tdf with Lemond. Funny how we or I view him diffeently, yes he wasnt a really likeable character but people respected him. my feelings towards lance are different although i cannot really explain why . someone on here said they spoke to him when he first became a pro, he just said 'nice bike' and lance swore at him????

david k

North West
I'm afraid he was and the written word doesn't do him justice by a long chalk.
ive read slaying the badger, good book and he was a bully. but as i say i dont have the same ill feeling towards him as i do lance, maybe because i was too young i just dont know

being an arse doesnt mean you are more or less guilty of doping than someone who isnt, it just makes me more determined to see you brought to justice

david k

North West
on reflection my dislike of lance is more to do with his attitude than it is his doping.

i think back in the day drugs were so available i dont think it was seen in the same way as it is today. perceptions change over time and im glad to see it is frowned upon now and riders/pro sports people know this. it used to be like taking multi vitamins years ago
I'm done. I'm finished. I'm tired of reading all of these allegations. There comes a time in every man's life when you say enough is enough and move on. That time is now. I can no longer keep up with the thread in The Clinic.
Fair enough....but you'll be back. :evil:
...and can I just say a big 'thank you' for patiently reading, digesting and explaining a lot of the stuff that some of us lazy sacks of crap didn't have the patience for. Good work that man. :bravo:
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