Armstrong coming back for the 2009 TdF

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rich p

ridiculous old lush
maurice said:
You thought 08 was exciting?

Fair enough, be sure to be standing in front of a chair when the world watching paint dry championships are on later.;)

I thought everyone thought it was a great tour this year. No sure favourites, attacks on the mountains, nobody taking an unassailable lead on the TT's and Cav to boot. What's not to like?

Compare that with the sterile races that LA won.


Well-Known Member
The Shlecks?? Alp D'Huez was 08's only saving grace, and that stage was something of a let down at the time.

If that's your standard of a great tour then all the better for you. Some people are happy with lower standard competition; I've no problem with that. If people are happy watching the B-competitors while all the best riders sit on the sidelines good for 'em.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
maurice said:
If that's your standard of a great tour then all the better for you. Some people are happy with lower standard competition; I've no problem with that. If people are happy watching the B-competitors while all the best riders sit on the sidelines good for 'em.
I disagree, profoundly.

However, personal taste is a funny old thing Maurice, lets leave it at that, shall we?


Well-Known Member
John the Monkey said:
I disagree, profoundly.

However, personal taste is a funny old thing Maurice, lets leave it at that, shall we?


Can't wait for next year, all the best riders in the world competing.

FWIW I don't think Lance is going to walk away with it, but a tough fight to the end with CSC doing everything it can to stop him.

Imagine Alp du Huez this year but with Lance in Cadels shoes, now that would have been interesting for me.


Senior Member
rich p said:
Compare that with the sterile races that LA won.

Essentially no one was good enough to go with him. He didn't just flatten everyone in the TTs, he made big attacks in the mountains - I thought they made good viewing. Especially when you mixed in someone like Pantani.

Don't think he'd have it as straightforward next time.


New Member
A few predictions:

He'll ride for Garmin (or whatever Stapleton's team is called by then).

He probably wont start - entry is too much of a lottery these days. But if he does...

He wont win it, because someone else in the pro peloton will simply be better conditioned then him.

Everyone loves heroes and villains. Who you see Lance as depends on your POV. Regardless, if he does ride, it will make for more great headlines either way.

I wonder if the pie-muncher will come out of retirement!


Must be some new undetectable stuff on the market.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Has anyone written a song about Lance, btw?

I found this fabbo podcast the other day (fabbo podcast link) which has a spendid song about Eddy Merckx in it ("Bravo Eddy", by Jean Narcy - listen also to the wonderfully bonkers "La Bicyclette" at the end - it's great)

Edit: A bit of googling answers my own question - I can't find an mp3, but there was a tune called "Mr Armstrong", composed by (then) student composer Wes Alexander.

Alexander describes “Mr. Armstrong” as “a tribute song – not only to Lance as a cancer survivor, or as a cyclist, but also as a human being.” The message, underscored in the song’s chorus, is simple, he said: “We need a hero in these times.”

And while the main theme may be simple, the songwriter said he hopes his lyrics also will reveal some “hidden messages” for listeners as well. For instance, “Instead of trying to glorify Lance Armstrong, I wanted to bring him down to a human level. And I wanted to emphasize how he leads by example, but also tries to show people how to be their own heroes.”

Tetedelacourse said:
A few predictions:

He'll ride for Garmin (or whatever Stapleton's team is called by then).
Er, don't you mean High Road?

Everyone loves heroes and villains. Who you see Lance as depends on your POV. Regardless, if he does ride, it will make for more great headlines either way.

I wonder if the pie-muncher will come out of retirement!
Hmmm. Not all publicity is good. Cycling needs him like it needs a hole in the head. We're trying to break away from the bad old days, and he most certainly represents them.

Pie muncher? I doubt it. Mind you, Landis and Rasmussen will be free if Lance wants to put a real team of charmers together...:biggrin:
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