Atrocities Committed in Hollywood.

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What really annoys me is the term "Re-boot" if you are going to remake a film at least call it what it is a REMAKE....... Arrrrrrggghhhhhhh it really P****s me off.. :cursing:.....

Rant over


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
The Texas Chainsaw Massacres have failed for a fairly obvious reason: gallons of blood. The original was so effective because it played on the fear of the unseen.

Absolutely spot on ARM!. Although you thought were watching really horrible stuff, it was very rarely on screen, just suggested and unseen, with an enormous sense of menace. Somewhere, I think I still have the badge from the cinema foyer in the mid-Seventies...
"I survived The Texas Chainsaw Massacre".


A fantastic film. I took delivery of Casablanca, The Maltese Falcon and The Big Sleep on DVD today. £15 all up.That's pretty good value if you are not that keen on CGI s***e.

I'd argue that The Maltese Falcon is actually the weakest of the three as a film, but still contains some wonderful performances. Never mind Humphrey Bogart, Peter Lorre is simply one one of the greatest actors ever to grace a screen.
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Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I'd argue that The Maltest Falcon is actually the weakest of the three as a film, but still contains some wonderful performances. Never mind Humphrey Bogart, Peter Lorre is simply one one of the greatest actors ever to grace a screen.
I'm with you all the way on that.


North Shields
Absolutely spot on ARM!. Although you thought were watching really horrible stuff, it was very rarely on screen, just suggested and unseen, with an enormous sense of menace. Somewhere, I think I still have the badge from the cinema foyer in the mid-Seventies...
"I survived The Texas Chainsaw Massacre".

That's a properly cool piece of cinema memorabilia, hope you've still got it.


Legendary Member
That's a bit like saying King Lear isn't as good as Hamlet
(I agree with the rest of your comment though)
No it's not. The Big Sleep is a great movie, and Casablanca even better, but The Maltese Falcon is a stinker, great performances from Sydney Greenstreet and Peter Lorre notwithstanding. The main problem with it is that the relationship between Bogie and the female lead is crucial, but it's non-existent. She has the screen presence of a tyre lever. Apparently she was someone's sister or something. It just kills the movie. For me anyway.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Michael Bay is rumoured to be at the helm of a prequel. God help us. His fetish for blowing everything up would ruin the legacy of a considered and near perfect sci-fi film.
I have read the book based after the film original and TBH it sucked , mind you " Do androids dream of electric sheep " was not the most thrilling read .
Is it always the case that a good book makes a bad film ? The Dune series is fantastic and yet Lynch`s film was pretty dire .
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