"Bet you wish you didn't have to ride home today"

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"What time do you have to get up?"

"Why aren't you wearing your coat?"
After an hour riding in sub-zero teperatures, warm, snug, and punctual, in a thin fleece while fellow students arrive -late- and complaining about traffic and the cold.

"That makes me feel better: now I know I'm not the only one siffering when I sit in a traffic jam"

After I said it takes about 45 minutes to an hour to ride back from work; the speaker had been complaining that she spent an hour every evening sitting in a masive tailback, and seemed to think riding through forests and fields was 'suffering', like sitting in a smelly car. She was taken aback when I said it was often the highlight of the day...

For me the most annoying isn't the commuting comments but the comments when I carried my kids to and from Kindergarten on our Bakfiets (Big dutch bike with a box on the front). People would say to my children "Well, haven't you got it good" or "aren't you the lucky one?" as if I was spoiling my kids by giving htem a lift. And yes, they did have the nerve to say this as they shoveled thir offspring into heated cars.


Legendary Member
London, UK
I must admit I find it weird that people drive to the gym...
Well, I kinda get it. Maybe it's raining, or too hot, or they want to run with others in a comfortable air con environment. I'm a rubbish runner so I prefer to do it alone at my own pace with my own thoughts.


Legendary Member
Devon & Die
Even weirder, people who drive to the gym to ride a stationary bike. Er, what?
Even weirderer if it was a stationery bike...
"Now you're wishing you got the bus in today"
"I'd hate having to cycle to work"
"Ahh , if i'd have known I'd have given you a lift"
"I bet it takes you ages"

Just a few phrases said to me regularly by co-workers, friends and family. They are all usually kind gestures and not meant in any malice way . They are very amusing mostly however the do get annoying at times .

When I do say "I'm looking forward to my ride home/long ride tomorrow". The look of disbelief at times is quite funny. Its as if I'm just billy bullshitting about any part of cycling being possibly fun.

Anyone else got some little phrases people throw at you daily.

I get the same, be I running to/home from work, or on the bike

Also, the "When I passed you, you looked to be smiling running up Stanley Hill!!!", with an incredulous tone to the voice^_^

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
I have a colleague who is very fit and active. Temporary lights nearby mean her 10k drive (out of Reading) can take 90+ mins. I suggested cycling but she could not contemplate it - I would love it but live 55k away and no realistic way of turning it into even a partial commute until a week or two when it is light enough


Cycling Skoda lover
I get the shocked look when I ride in the snow :eek: Even at a slower pace I am still faster than the car which I use at weekends for fun :whistle: One of my collegue's insists I pop my head in to confirm I have not been killed that day :wahhey: Bless her
Remember a Physical Training Instructor at one of the Naval Bases who could not undertsand the concept of my recumbents

Yet he was quite happy with the recumbent exercise bikes in his gym!

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
When the office drivers come in of a morning and moan about how long the commute was, I nod a bit sympathetically and respond with something like:
'Oh I know...I was delayed for at least two minutes":whistle:

Makes up for the lycra comments^_^.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
One of my sisters is 5 years older than me.

(After I got back from a 30 mile bike ride, aged 40): "You won't still be doing that when you get to my age!"

(After I got back from a 60 mile bike ride, aged 45): "You won't still be doing that when you get to my age!"

(After I got back from a 90 mile bike ride, aged 50): "You won't still be doing that when you get to my age!"

(After I got back from a 120 mile bike ride, aged 55): "You won't still be doing that when you get to my age!"

I am now 60 and intend to do some rides this year > 125 miles in length. I wonder if she still thinks that I won't be doing much in 5 years time? :whistle:

If she keeps it up long enough then I suppose she will eventually be right! :okay:

A few years ago in an Asda car park, I was unlocking the bike after shopping when an elderly guy pulled up and started locking his bike next to me. We got chatting, turns out he was 79, still cycling and was looking forward to doing a Bristol to London charity ride for the third time. And his bike was older than me! (47 at the time).


Always makes me laugh when I get to work, wearing my kit and carrying my lid in my hand, and it`s raining, to get confronted with............"have you cycled in, in this lot?"


You do have to love work colleagues..............huhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
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