Bradley Wiggins calls for safer cycling laws and compulsory helmets

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It's a bit more complicated than that...
Mmmmm. Pretty spiffy. And impressive wheel-talk! But what - and this is the crux of the matter - does Her Nibs say?
Apparently it's a way of enabling Her Nibs to cross America on two wheels.

I'm not sure it'll last beyond the first test-ride myself...


Minkowski Space
Can you supply the specifics with the source ifyou wantto make this claim ?

Try Hewson, 2005, Hewson, 2005 (two separate papers), Rodgers, 1988 and Kunich, 2002.

I trust you have access to PubMed.

I presume you'll be supporting all your assertions with references from the scientific literature?


Minkowski Space
Take a further dig around the ROSPA site and it states that in 2/3rds of fatal car crashes, death is attributed to head injuries. The numbers would drop by a further 30% if everyone complied with the seat belt laws.

As I said earlier, proving that Head protection saves serious head injuries is a self defeating argument because an accident in which the lid has worked 100% will never get reported in the stats for head injuries - Now deny that to be a logical line of the argument in any way you can, but you know it is always going to be the case ! - the wearer will just go out and buy another lid.

And how many of those with fatal head injuries sustained other fatal injuries? And how many would have benefited from head protection?

Your second assertion lacks any form of evidence. Where's the scientific literature supporting it?


Minkowski Space
We can go back to the ROSPA ones if you wish.

Cycling Accidents
  • Around 75% of fatal or serious cyclist accidents occur in urban areas
  • Around half of cyclist fatalities occur on rural roads
  • 75% happen at, or near, a road junction
  • 80% occur in daylight
  • 80% of cyclist casualties are male
  • Almost one quarter of the cyclists killed or injured are children
  • Around three quarters of cyclists killed have major head injuries.

Those LSE ones are quite ridiculous claims wouldn't you agree ?

"major head injury" does not equal "fatal head injury"

"Fatal head injury " does not equate to "head injury was sole cause of death"

A "fatal head injury" is not necessarily survivable should a helmet have been worn.

These LSE ones are irrelevant. You need to account for the above factors to be able to draw any meaningful conclusions from your data. Please do feel free to show us all your statistical workings.


Try Hewson, 2005, Hewson, 2005 (two separate papers), Rodgers, 1988 and Kunich, 2002.

I trust you have access to PubMed.

I presume you'll be supporting all your assertions with references from the scientific literature?

Sorry, can you quote the relevant bits with the link source please ?.

I spend enough time on computers each day without doing your spade work for you as well.
Sorry, can you quote the relevant bits with the link source please ?.

I spend enough time on computers each day without doing your spade work for you as well.

Its your spade work that you need to do so you don't enter the debate armed only with ignorance
The CTC even state that only 1% of the population are regular cycle commuters in the link above ^ That is a long way off the 30 odd percent which cunobelin just came up with.....

You really have to get a grip on reality, you simply cannot carry on making things up and coming up with untrue, absurd and easily disproven claims

At no point have I stated that 30% of the population are regular cycle commuters.

Please either:

Link to or quote the post where I stated this
Aplogise for this lie, and remove the post

Of course no-one will be surprised by the lack of common courtesy or decency in correcting your lies


Minkowski Space
Sorry, can you quote the relevant bits with the link source please ?.

I spend enough time on computers each day without doing your spade work for you as well.

I thought about doing that, I really did. But then I remembered Red Light had already cited Hewson before - which you clearly didn't deign to read. So I wasn't going to squander any effort on someone who couldn't trouble themselves to follow a link.

How's about you do your own spade work. After all, you might actually learn something, eh?


Silencing his legs regularly
That was roughly my reaction when I heard.

Then I looked at dell at the front of the pack, standing up and stomping on an enormous gear, and Agent Hilda beside me, sitting and spinning a sensible gear, and thought "what could go wrong"?

It's not just any tandem he's been looking at - it's a carbon/titanium mix tandem with S&S couplings and fancy-schmancy wheels.

[edit again]
Where's the drooling smiley?
+1 on the :eek: front.
Can't help but wonder what gearing could possibly suit both halves of the partnership. Perhaps a nice sensible triple up front, combined with an 11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-12-13 cassette on the back (13 is the bailout gear on Jens Voigt's tandem).
And as for the bike....


I thought about doing that, I really did. But then I remembered Red Light had already cited Hewson before - which you clearly didn't deign to read. So I wasn't going to squander any effort on someone who couldn't trouble themselves to follow a link.

How's about you do your own spade work. After all, you might actually learn something, eh?

You mean go and look for some stats which fit your assertions better than someone who disagrees with them ?

Red Light recited some info about women getting more head injuries despite being a minority as far as cyclists go (without a source) in response to something which smeggers put to him......

You are obviously so conversant with the argument against adequate head protection, you must have the sources of you information readily to hand.
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